Costly Friendship

This weekend we’re looking at Luke 9 in our Small Groups. Small group life moves us closer to Christ and fellow believers. His teaching is central to our identity and mission. Engaging with other disciples keeps us fresh and develops intimacy. Intimacy found in the church is real opposed to what the world offers.

Jesus is on the move. Nothing will keep him from Jerusalem. It’s more than a place; it’s an event. Jerusalem represents his passion including his suffering, death, burial, and resurrection. Others don’t understand it and even reject him because of his focus (Luke 9.53). We find that true in the church. The more focused we become on his mission. Some will not understand and question us. They fall away.

He presses us. Remembering where Jesus is going reconsider verse 59. He invites us. The human response is, “Lord, let me first…” Jesus tells us that will not work. If we’re calling the shots, he isn’t Lord.

You’ll never go far with Jesus if you’re always saying, ‘me first.’

This Sunday is our Roots : New Member Class. I have an invitation for you. Maybe it’s been awhile? Or maybe you took the New Member Class before I came? If you are interested in attending as a refresher, contact Sheryl ( We need to make reservations for food.

You can find the small group guide here (Word Made Flesh for 08/27/17). You can also download the Message 2017 Bible Reading Guide here (The Message).

PS : If you read this message each week, your feedback would be appreciated.