Were Together

That’s not a typo. Those two words captured my heart as I studied. Peter the denier decided to go fishing. Do his friends step away? Leave him alone? Nope. Their response? ‘We’ll go with you.’

Imagine the enormity of that. James and John could have easily said, ‘Go ahead. So what?’ Thomas could have just brushed it aside as ‘Peter being Peter.’ But they didn’t. And neither should we.

We’re in this together. Changing culture? Increasing hostility toward the things of God? Confusion regarding holiness and the gospel? Upheavals in relationships? Economic collapse? Mental breakdowns? Our response should be like theirs.

But is it? Each of us have stories were the church at large failed. Okay, so we see it. Now, let’s correct it. Turning the tide begins where it always begins with Jesus and his gospel.

This week I challenge — if we were on the playground, I’d say, ‘I dare you’ — say to someone this week. We’ll go with you. Then do just that. It’s so powerful knowing you’re not alone.

You can find the small group guide here (Word Made Flesh for 09/24/17). You can also download the Message 2017 Bible Reading Guide here (The Message).

PS : If you read this message each week, your feedback would be appreciated.