Created for Community

I urge us all to pray faithfully for the community of Sutherland Springs. The attack on FBC Sutherland Springs was an attack on us as well because we are all the body of Christ. Read what the pastor’s wife said on Monday. ‘Our church was not comprised of members or parishioners. We were a very close family. We ate together, we laughed together, we cried together and worshiped together.’

We did that on Sunday. Yet, how do we move forward? How do we respond? How can we protect our church?

First of all, you should know that your leaders are working to enhance our security plan. I say this with great confidence. You are safe when you come to worship here. What do we do now?

Church security expert Carl Chinn believes the common denominator for church shootings is glaringly obvious. Each gunman was a disgruntled member or visitor. Church security begins with church discipline. Church discipline begins with discipleship and instruction. In other words, exactly, what we did yesterday.

Let’s return for a minute to 2 Corinthians 13. I quickly shared my explanation of Paul’s brief exhortations. Here they are again. First, rejoice. We celebrate who God is and what God has done together in community. Secondly, aim for restoration. We build up one another. ‘Who is to condemn? Christ Jesus is the one who died,’ Romans 8.34. Third, we comfort one another. Comfort or ‘parakelo’ means ‘to call alongside.’ We come alongside one another so that no one must walk alone. Pastors, deacons, small group leaders, etc., cannot do this alone; it takes us all. Next, agree with one another. What is our agreement? Christ is (Philippians 4). We advance the gospel together as a church. Then, live in peace. Peace or ‘shalom’ refers to being whole. It takes faith, love, and humility among other virtues. Obviously, it prohibits needless controversies or debates about tertiary matters. Finally, greet with one another with a kiss. How do we greet one another? With a growl or with grace? Yesterday, we created space for us to intentionally do this. More and more, we need come together as a family. That requires patience and compassion.

What motivates us? Why do this? Then and only then will God show up and manifest his presence. That’s when revival and awakening occurs. Could anyone doubt the need today for revival in our land? Governor Abbot admitted the problem was not a lack of legislation on CNN this morning. The real problem is the human heart. Only God can change that.

You can find the small group guide here (Spirit and Truth for 11/12/17). You can also download the Message 2017 Bible Reading Guide here (The Message).