Prayer Requests

Submit Your Prayer Request

Prayer requests remain visible for three weeks. When you pray for one of the requests below, be sure to click on the I prayed for you button so that we can let the requestor know how many times their request has been lifted up.

Request Title# PrayersSubmitted On 
foster home0July 26, 2024Details
Urgent0July 22, 2024Details
Need to be heard0July 21, 2024Details
To quit being thrashed0July 21, 2024Details
Brother in rehab0July 17, 2024Details
Healing of cancer0July 15, 2024Details
Heavenly Father Please bless me with favor and Protection!!!0July 8, 2024Details
Walters Family Prayer Request 0July 5, 2024Details
Anonymous 0June 26, 2024Details
Forgiveness0June 20, 2024Details
fight what is ungodly0June 18, 2024Details
Prayer Request0June 18, 2024Details
Please Jesus save my mom0June 9, 2024Details
Healing 0June 1, 2024Details
Urgent0May 29, 2024Details
Prayer requests for my husband Vladimir jarrin 0May 28, 2024Details
A Mix of Requests0May 27, 2024Details
break through0May 27, 2024Details
Prayer for autism 0May 22, 2024Details
Facts and Truth0May 16, 2024Details
Me and my parents0May 15, 2024Details
lost pet0May 11, 2024Details
Healing0April 24, 2024Details
Forgiveness0April 23, 2024Details
Deliverance0April 15, 2024Details
Finances0April 14, 2024Details
Salvation desperately needed0April 10, 2024Details
anxiety0April 2, 2024Details
Heal Heartbreak and Depression0March 30, 2024Details
pet needing help0March 29, 2024Details
shekter0March 29, 2024Details
Prayers for Alan C.0March 21, 2024Details
Deliverance1March 20, 2024Details
Healing1March 9, 2024Details
Salvation 0March 4, 2024Details
ALVLOER0March 3, 2024Details
allvoer0March 3, 2024Details
Facts and Truth0February 29, 2024Details
Success in College1February 26, 2024Details
God’s will0February 23, 2024Details
charities0February 21, 2024Details
Guidance 0February 21, 2024Details
Prayer to Save Marriage and Reunite Family0February 20, 2024Details
Everyone0February 12, 2024Details
Finances0February 7, 2024Details
Facts and Truth0February 5, 2024Details
Request.0February 4, 2024Details
Job Prayer0February 3, 2024Details
DEVIL IS TRYING TO TAKE US DOWN0February 2, 2024Details
shelters0January 31, 2024Details
Prayer needs0January 30, 2024Details
shelters1January 27, 2024Details
Facts and Truth1January 24, 2024Details
Healing1January 22, 2024Details
DEVIL IS TRYING TO TAKE US DOWN2January 21, 2024Details
DEVIL IS TRYING TO TAKE US DOWN0January 20, 2024Details
Waiting upon the Lord0January 20, 2024Details
inaccurate prayers ned fixing by GOD1January 10, 2024Details
Recovery0January 9, 2024Details
Seeking to CONCIVED A BABY TOGETHER with my HUSBAND WILLIAM 1January 5, 2024Details
Connor Abel1January 4, 2024Details
Facts and Truth0January 3, 2024Details
I am overwhelmed. 1December 31, 2023Details
Prepare to meet thy God0December 30, 2023Details
wife salvation0December 25, 2023Details
For myself0December 22, 2023Details
I'm in trouble0December 10, 2023Details
healing0December 5, 2023Details
Finances0December 2, 2023Details
urgent prayer for phil and jack0November 17, 2023Details
Prayer Request 0November 16, 2023Details
Desperate times 0November 2, 2023Details
Prayer need0November 1, 2023Details
My Prayer0November 1, 2023Details
pets0October 24, 2023Details
Healing0October 21, 2023Details
Prayer Request 0October 17, 2023Details
My Prayer Request0October 11, 2023Details
Healing0October 9, 2023Details
Healing 1October 8, 2023Details
Caregiver Needed1October 6, 2023Details
prayer1October 1, 2023Details
My girlfriend Kimberly cured of her illness1September 25, 2023Details
God’s will1September 21, 2023Details
salvation and other 1September 3, 2023Details
charity1September 1, 2023Details
Urgent1September 1, 2023Details
My Prayer1August 21, 2023Details
Healing1August 19, 2023Details
anxiety1August 16, 2023Details
supernaturally divine healing1August 13, 2023Details
for Musa1July 28, 2023Details

foster home

an ba
pleas epray for a good woman G. to get a several calls, messages with temporary shelter offers for sickm cat V. Thanks


Peter Valentine
Pray that I repent and accept the judgements that have already been determined upon me and my family here in America. It makes no sense "praying down" what the Living God has already set. The only course for me is to accept my fate. I am beginning to see now how my own heart is so rebellious still that the Natural Man in me refuses to accept there is no escape anymore but total obedience and acceptance. I fantasized a future for myself that was impossible because I never drew close enough to the Almighty or humbled myself to hear HIS plan for me. Tribulation is judgement on both His church and the fake church. It is the ultimate test of true faith. I pray to be able to completely rein back my exuberance and delusion that He is obligated to rescue me. He is NOT. He is coming back to JUDGE me, as promised. Like a thief in the night. The fires of hell are real and anyone that tells me different must be a liar. Join me in real conviction by hearing the Word of God through a pure vessel, a truly humble servant of the Most High.

Need to be heard

Steve The Damed
Keep out of my face all princepalities of evil! Father in Heaven in Through Jesus Christ of Nazareth name!? Welcome thank you Holy Spirit that you transform this prayer into multiple splitting pillar of Holy flames fire! Please thank you to bring into Davids inner heart to leave my job keep fredge freezer alone that I’ve been assigned alone? Just plainly keep to himself next week I don’t need his nosy supervising? How I ask Father in heaven in Jesus Christ Of Nazareth Name? Do I be granted the anointed supernatural blessing of just be quit being irriated mesed with at every moment in the day How thank you to petition plead my upsetting cause to have all wicked demonic evil devils attacks removed from our path??!!please thank you in Jesus Christ Of Nazareth Name today??!! So inform me the right of super-natural granted anoint passage of knowing how to pray against the ways of all wicked higher princepalities of evil false powers??!! Please I plead send down to us supernatural 10,000 fighting warrior ark angels for our cause of needing demanding reprieve from distructive spiritual demented attacks!? Yet in in your face reality real time you send us me none supernatural deliverance!! In the Name of Jesus Christ Of Nazareth Name? As I’ve prayed for my wife Becky Traansforming healing have you yet? That she would be energized encouraged and enabled to start being my better help mate? Have you been able to rid me of my discouraging depression that keep dragging me down to want to sleep? SO I v’e been ask how can I get some supernatural for real sent down healing help? That I could be delivered lusting desire all women I see to want? So then I am being driven in total insanty? No I can’t stop myself from looking undressing them to having relation with them? I want to provoct and piss him off My God in the heavens to vaporize me from be alive? That didn’t equip me mentally or supernaturally anoint empower me to make when I was working a living wage? Yes your not listen to what I ‘ve been praying Needing! That I be granted to be transform mentally physically healed my aging depressed feeling like a hated step child of Gods ! So I need to get out work full time? Right now I am not getting enough to pay our bills or hope my vehicle doesn’t go heck? I can’t buy another one? I am in a depressed beat down hole and why can’t I get some spiritual deliverance? Don’t I need to be supernaturally encourage to have energy of mental motivation to even ant to get up off a couch with out a mental fight every day?

To quit being thrashed

Steve Mushroom
Keep out of my face all princepalities of evil! Father in Heaven in Through Jesus Christ of Nazareth name!? Welcome thank you Holy Spirit that you transform this prayer into multiple splitting pillar of Holy flames fire! Please thank you to bring into Davids inner heart to leave my job keep fredge freezer alone that I’ve been assigned alone? Just plainly keep to himself next week I don’t need his nosy supervising? How I ask Father in heaven in Jesus Christ Of Nazareth Name? Do I be granted the anointed supernatural blessing of just be quit being irriated mesed with at every moment in the day How thank you to petition plead my upsetting cause to have all wicked demonic evil devils attacks removed from our path??!!please thank you in Jesus Christ Of Nazareth Name today??!! So inform me the right of super-natural granted anoint passage of knowing how to pray against the ways of all wicked higher princepalities of evil false powers??!! Please I plead send down to us supernatural 10,000 fighting warrior ark angels for our cause of needing demanding reprieve from distructive spiritual demented attacks!? Yet in in your face reality real time you send us me none supernatural deliverance!! In the Name of Jesus Christ Of Nazareth Name? As I’ve prayed for my wife Becky Traansforming healing have you yet? That she would be energized encouraged and enabled to start being my better help mate? Have you been able to rid me of my discouraging depression that keep dragging me down to want to sleep? SO I v’e been ask how can I get some supernatural for real sent down healing help? That I could be delivered lusting desire all women I see to want? So then I am being driven in total insanty? No I can’t stop myself from looking undressing them to having relation with them? I want to piss off God in the heavens to vaporize me from be alive?

Brother in rehab

Tim Carnes
My brother is entering a Christian rehab today after decades of drug and alcohol abuse. I have explained the gospel to him. My prayer is that he will be saved?

Healing of cancer

Lillie Lim
Please uphold me in prayer for a complete healing of my leukemia cancer, which I have been diagnosed with since Jan 2023. I am still undergoing treatment. Thank You

Heavenly Father Please bless me with favor and Protection!!!

Willie Richie
Dear God, Please help us... Heavenly Father Please Bless Willie Richie and Margaret Lawson. Enlarge our Coasts and Territories. Please Father God show us your Grace Goodness Mercy Forgiveness LOVE and Protection. Please Father God bless us with more of your Holy Spirit. Please... Father God teach us to LOVE and Respect. Please Father God open up the windows of heaven and pour out blessings we can't imagine or contain. Father God Please... help us!!! WE THANK YOU AND WE LOVE.. IN JESUS HOLY NAME WE PRAY ASK AND RECEIVE AMEN AMEN AND AMEN !!!

Walters Family Prayer Request

Brother in the Lord, former U.S. Naval Officer; seasoned health system CEO has been out of stable work for almost a year solid. Have applied for over 5,000 executive jobs across the country and still not hired. Family of six to support. Requesting sustained church prayers for: - executive leadership candidate interviewing favor - executive leadership candidate hiring favor - executive position/financial restoration/increase - the prompt sale of our Arkansas Home which has been on the market for 7 months - the Lord to continue to bless us abundantly financially so we don't get behind on any of our bills - to strengthen our family's commitment to serving the Lord - to strengthen my wife's and my marriage as we go through these life challenges. Brother Carl I. Walters II. Healthcare Executive Former U.S. Naval Officer Former Medical Service Corp Officer


Prayer Request
Please thank God for all he's done for me. In Jesus name.


Tan Popatas
To heal brain quadruple. For him, her, them, and my nemeses to forgive me. To quit medicine. To be able to sleep without medicine. To not be tortured during night

fight what is ungodly

J kelly
Urgent : There are incidents of MONOLITHS appearing in many places in the USA and other parts of the earth. The LORD wants His people to pray mightily against the powers of darkness and appearances of things not of God! Pray that God will cause many saints to pray by the will of God against the forces of darkness and that God will glorify Himself in Jesu holy name. against the enemeis of God.

Prayer Request

Phil Chavez
Please pray for my mom Lorraine’s salvation and pray for her healing. She lost her hearing, has memory loss, bad posture, body pain, and high blood pressure. Pray for excellent health. Pray for a long life for Lorraine.Pray for the removal of debt and financial blessings and financial security for Lorraine. Pray Lorraine’s possessions last a hundred times longer and will supernaturally become newer and repaired. Also, please pray for salvation and excellent health and long life for my uncle Seve,aunt Jackie and Pray salvation, healing and long life for my mom's boyfriend Joe who has cancer.. Please Pray GOD Blesses me financially so I can pay all bills and not have to worry about paying future bills. ... Please Pray GOD Blesses me with a life partner real soon.,I've been praying for a life partner for 29 years...In the name of Jesus Yeshua Hamashiach Amen

Please Jesus save my mom

Thomas Cahill
My mom is 79. Life is never guaranteed. I worry about her when she passes. Please pray she be introduced to and accept as her savior Jesus before she passes, and she does not pass until she does for the devil will attack her. Thanks.


Andrew Pick
Prayer for Andrew Pick A joyful heart Healing from depression bipolar disorder and protection also pray for God to get me onto a good schedule and pray for God to save me If I'm not saved praise God also to hear God's voice and God to help me and protection from suicidal thoughts and suicide in this life praise God and for long life and good health to praise God and make me mentally happy and strong mentally and bind any evil spirits causing me depression and negative thoughts about self permanently


Peter Valentine
I have always been a man of peace and never sued anyone. But I find I MUST do so now to right serious wrongs that wicked people should not get away with. Not just for myself but for my severely disabled peers. I ask that you intercede on my behalf with the Father and through Jesus to surround me with godly, righteous, attorneys, legal experts, legal secretaries, and administrative assistants. I simply cannot orchestrate all these cases at once. I need a team of fearless tigers who will fight to the end and take no prisoners. Please ask Jesus to surround us at all times with his love, authority, and power. I need my wife, Irene, and son, James, to be at my side at all times, steadfast and true since the victories will be theirs as well. Hospitals, doctors, and insurance companies are guilty of racketeering in covering up their own malpractice. They have misdiagnosed several types of cancers as simple hernias. They have neglected to diagnose more than a dozen severe head injuries, thinking that they would not have to treat what they never wrote down any mention of. It is time for many suffering victims across our nation to get real justice. Generous monetary reward for their suffering. Please pray that caps on lawsuits are raised much higher as they once used to be, on the basis of cumulative pain and suffering, not just for the victims but their families as well. They KNEW we were suffering horribly but could not complain or sue because we were mute, our brains could not think clearly to express ourselves, and we had no advocate or ombudsperson to explain our terrible dilemna. I believe our Father in Heaven wants this heinous travesty and tragedy to come to an end. Forever. Prayer Warriors, you know who you are. Send ministering angels so we in the trenches can endure and boldly step out in faith!

Prayer requests for my husband Vladimir jarrin

Julie Castel
???I'm desperately desperately desperately seeking prayers for my husband Vladimir jarrin who's been going through difficulty with his stomach symptoms,Fatigue Weak and malnourished my husband can't eat normally and lost weight he's feeling completely dizzy with pain inside his stomach I'm desperately seeking for God's powerful hands to be permanently place upon his stomach to cure and heal his body completely ? ? for god to get my husband Vladimir jarrin back on his two feet to bring my husband back to his health I'm desperately seeking for God to cleans my husband body completely and bring my husband back to his Is weight health ?? my husband is suffering from weakness in his body I'm desperately seeking for God's powerful miracle blessings healing deliverance brokethrough for my husband Vladimir jarrin for God to shines his powerful light down upon my husband physical health mind body and soul, rebuke and remove all complications all sit backs in his stomach symptoms ???

A Mix of Requests

J Kelly
1) Going and Coming over that place of evildoers plotting and planning against me and my house. –for God to take out permanent 2) For God to cause a Great Battle against the evildoers who are setting me up in B/Bay and for a speedy installation of a device for internet service. 3) God to set on His holy angels to fight and overcome and undo and wreck the plots and plans of the enemies over int B/Bay. 4) God to take over fully to see to it that we are blessed and highly favour for the entire time there. 5) No killer can stalk anywhere regarding me or any family member. 6) That God will take out the ones setting up the evils. 7) for holy angels take them out and there can be no retaliations against them in any way bt God destroys satan mightily in Jesus holy a) Children of and in Jamaica; Their entire lives by God, Their attitudes, actions, future, no evil in the horizon but God and His will b) Babies in the Womb in Jamaica and of Jamaicans c) Babies out of the Womb in and of Jamaicans d) Education in every place until adulthood. e) Friends to be preserved blameless unto His coming. f) Bullies in schools in Jamaica and in the USA for God to hinder them, stop them and hinder them and judge the. That God will also fight for the innocent children and quence the attackers permanently. TO COME AND GO DAY AND NIGHT IN A PLACE OF PRAYERS. The evildoers cannot follow me to where I am going but that God will send His multitudes of holy ones to take out the wicked and utterly remove them. destroy take out the wicked utterly.

break through

Pray for John and Colleen. we adopted 3 boys.  Two of them have a lot of struggles. Kalin ,16 yrs old,  has dyslexia and dyslecalua.  His IQ is also low. Gabe is 13 years old with PTSD.  He is often violent. angry and afraid. Svetli is 10 years old. He is very fearful,  very insecure, angry, struggles has problems because his older brother teach him bad habits and fight with him a lot.  He struggles to retain studies and learn Pray these boys will know God's love, stay close to God, be able to be independent, can hold jobs, live peaceful, quiet, safe lives and find godly relationships to share their lives with. Pray we can find a good group home for Kalin if he can't be independent as an adult.  Pray for John's health and to live a long healthy life to raise these boys.   Protection over John's job and to be able to do his job successfully and the right people to help him. We need support, wisdom, and for God to heal them so they can live peaceful, normal, good lives and to stay out of trouble.  Pray for them to have discipline, obedience, goodness, knowledge, and to go in the right direction with their lives.  Pray they have the abilities to learn, focus, retain all that they learn and for God to get rid of the strife, and jealousy between all 3 boys. pray for deliverance from these problems.   Pray for Colleen for safety, peace, breakthrough, and Peace in the home.  Please continue to pray for these request for as long as you are able. we need your support

Prayer for autism

Please pray for Alan’s nephew who has autism and has been having fits, pray also against anything evil and his protection.

Facts and Truth

Steven and Barbara Smith
This is being addressed to you personally Jesus Christ: Your not faithful, fact is, your probably the most unfaithful individual I have ever known. 2 Thessalonians 3:3, I am God, I am faithful, I shall protect you from the evil one (DOESNT HAPPEN DOES IT JESUS?) Whatever you bind on earth, shall be bound in heaven, Matthew 16:19, 18:18, I know exactly what has been bound and I know these things were bound about 14 years ago, in specific and great detail, so, FAITHFUL JESUS, has anything that's been bound in your so called faithful name, been bound? Isaiah 54:17, No weapon formed against you shall prosper, DO YOU MEAN like knowing full well what has been asked several times, like what sits across from me, at an angle, and my boss, who seems to think being rude, turning her back on me while we were discussing, things in casual conversation, and then turns her discussion to focus on discussing, things that go on where she lives, and people in high school with a runt, who did not attend any junior high schools, nor high school in that town, and now is an expert about the local schools, because he has such a vivid high intelligence, and knows so much about EVERYTHING? Matthew 21:22, ALL PRAYERS ARE ANSWERED BY GOD? Hmm, since when does 15 minutes construe an answered prayer? Right Faithful Jesus? I AM? I am what, a fake, a fraud, a phony, a weak individual, who seems to struggle to present himself, fix a life he destroyed, is totally unfaithful, seems to be more willing to do evil, wicked things and fault Satan rather than give good, fix problems, take burdens, answer prayers, DOESNT LOOK LIKE A FAITHFUL GOD TO ME, LOOKS MORE UNFAITHFUL, then he does FAITHFUL. The continuing saga of dealing with idiots, know it all's, prideful, greedy, self-seeking, individuals, who would much rather, make changes to an order then do the order themselves. Rework, something that's been prayed about too often, with no real results, ask and it shall be given? Ask and God is willing to reveal, his plans, PLANS TO CONTINUE, to have people who had almost everything today live close to poverty, because YOU JESUS ARE SO FAITHFUL? When two or more agree it shall be done, Matthew 18:19, 20, Hey Aunt Wanda, Uncle Lawrence, do you remember a prayer, we prayed, and stood together, one night about demons, evil spirits, and prayed specifically about these wicked vile things in and around our family, hanging around, harassing, cursing, attacking us? I do, and that was gee how long would you say maybe 14 years ago, FAITHFUL GOD, isn't so faithful is he? Fact I will never put more on you than you can handle, that's why, one night last year, blacked out, threw up for 3 hours, looked and felt like death for 3 solid days, BECAUSE JESUS IS SO FAITHFUL, his words can never return in void, Deuteronomy 31, but they do don't they Jesus? All good things come to those who wait, I would say, after waiting 24 years, and all you Gods seem to be able to produce is evil and wicked things, this is pretty much how the remainder of my life will probably be, because your a God, who seems to be more concerned, more willing, more capable of faulting demons, (which have also been prayed about to the point of ridiculous) FACT, and still do not, command the demons to leave and not to return as written in the book of Luke, its there, and you know its there, don't we. Humble yourself before God, and ask and he is FAITHFUL like December 31st, 2023, at high noon, guess what, NOT FAITHFUL. Also, three weeks ago, asking God for his personal help, maybe a week at most, and right back to doing evil wicked things, NOT FAITHFUL. 1 Thessalonians 5:17, pray without ceasing, and it shall be done, I don't know what you so called ALL KNOWING GODs consider praying without ceasing, but I would testify, that submitting 150 plus prayer request concerning demons, and evil spirits possessing, surrounding a man, or person, breaking, all strongholds, taking all burdens, in great abundance, and casting out evil spirits and demons would suffice as being praying without ceasing, that as well, was done 15 plus years ago, and here are again, RIGHT MR FAITHFUL GOD? Mark 10:23-31, Luke 18:23-31, I find it utterly amazing, how often this has also been brought to your attention, about words like NOW, and the over use and high expectations apparently you feel, MUST BE DONE, before providing, me with a life similar to the one I had before you took interest, READ THESE SCRIPTURES VERY CLOSE, do you see anything about being clean, being strong, being pure, being holy, enduring Satan, do you see anything in these UNFAITHFUL WORDS OF GOD, that would lead you to believe that these things must be accomplished before he can GIVE BACK anything, he took, words like NOW, seem to be misleading, false, and mostly, wrong. Romans 2:11, God shows no favorites, God is not partial, God is not bias, once again, the falsity of this scripture, amazes me, why, someone who puts this in writing, has someone study his word for 7 years, and does not abide, does not honor, does not do, what he promises, but seems to put and place these extremely high expectations on certain individuals, but yet, I know personally, I see daily, what he seems to be able to do so freely, willingly, and capable of doing for heathens, people praying to plastic idols, people praying to cows, people, who are drunks, prideful, know it all's, arrogant, vain, jealous, vain, envious of others, being well taken care of, very well provided for, while, supernaturally, THEY CANT DO MUCH FOR an 88 YEAR OLD WOMAN (my mother who is also a Christian which is also being used by demons and Satan), just do not receive anything, do we Jesus Christ, and by the way, its not a testimony about me or my mother being jealous, envious, but being forsaken, being mistreated BY YOU PERSONALLY JESUS, this does not represent in any way, shape or form, JEALOUSY, PRIDE, ENVY, but it does represent, the truth, YOU ARE DISCRIMINATING AGAINST US, DESTROYING GOOD, AND RETURNING EVIL IN RETURN, thats the person, that's the God you really are, and its not a matter of patience or pride, BUT ITS A LACK OF A GOD, who does NOTHING, but want people to believe in him and manages to do NOTHING as written in this prayer request, give nothing, do nothing, fix nothing, answer no prayers, more focused on permitting and allowing evil spirits, to haunt, harass, curse, destroy, attack, abuse, mistreat, over FIXING, lives, changing Lives. I've mention, brought to your attention, many times, concerning, people who do not work a full week, and seem to be under Satan's radar, I have brought to your attention, the lack of answered prayers, only to experience wasting years praying, having faith for change, expecting, only to be deceived by the three real deceivers, in heaven. LIFE DESTROYERS, WHO HAVE TOTALLY, NOT DONE ANYTHING, AND I MEAN ANYTHING OUTSIDE OF A FREE HEAD OF CABBAGE, A FREE PLATE OF HOMEMADE COOKIES, or those extremely few blessings, like our income tax returns, which you want to try to claim are blessings from God, are you seriously that pathetic Jesus, you know the great I AM? Take this job for an example, lets compare the job you permitted Satan to destroy, it only took you 22 years Jesus, to get me to the salary I was making, 22 years earlier, IMPRESSED WITH YOURSELF ARENT YOU FAITHFUL GOD, but funny story, how you could supernaturally provide me with a new high paying job, great benefits, for a position I wasn't qualified for, as a non believer, provide a new more beautiful wife in a matter of 3 months, a new home I could not qualify for, in a month, BUT TODAY, JESUS CHRIST, just does not do the good, too focused, ON DOING EVIL, wants faith, and does nothing, is that how it was with poor Job, poor Abraham, poor Paul, poor Jacob, poor Joseph, come on these are your great examples but funny story, is, I don't see these people the same as you do Jesus, take poor Abraham, tested one time, but yet, committed fornication outside of marriage, with Hagar, (FAITH IN GOD?), lied to Pharoah about Sari, being his sister not his wife, (FAITH IN GOD?), had a beautiful wife, wealth, family, many friends, (which he did not have to wait for, a ridiculous amount of time for), but yet, HIS BIG TEST, laying someone else's life on the line, not his own, big difference isn't it Jesus. YET, we see, poor Jacob, a person, who waited for 7 years and received a double portion in Leah, and Rachel, 7 years, NOT 24 years. I WANT YOU JESUS, TAKE A CLOSE LOOK AT THESE FACTS which have been presented to you several times, and examine your lack of fulfillment of scripture, in contrast to what your words say, big difference isn't it, funny, JUST TOO DIFFICULT to have a normal life isn't it Jesus, can't even take a vacation, because you do little Gods place zero blessings on someone for such a ridiculous amount of time OH BUT HE IS SO DAMN FAITHFULA ND RIGHTEOUS, oh lets put him and his mother in a position of living from pay check to pay check, barely making ends meet, shaken up stirred up and poured out, an endless amount of oil, but yet, can barely make their bills or meet their financial debts, BECAUSE MR FAITHFUL IN heaven is the great I AM, similar to a retirement plan, that was in place, taken 23 years ago, and still working, because you Jesus are so damn faithful, fact is Jesus, your words do not match your actions or should I say the lack of action, too busy testing, too busy, making excuses, too busy reasoning, too busy stalling and buying yourself more time, because your just not the good person, you say you are, ARE YOU JESUS AND YOU SURE ARE NOT FAITHFUL, and thats the facts, you know it, I SURELY KNOW IT, BECAUSE OF HOW OFTEN, I HAVE SEEN MR FAITHFUL, doing nothing, and not being present, and not doing the right things, but is more busy, trying to sell himself as being someone who supposedly cares, supposedly is not bias, supposedly, capable and claims he can do the impossible but really most things I see and witness which by the way come from demons (again, prayed about thousands of times) seem to provide, produce, blessings for those special people you seem to protect, provide for, take extremely good care of, while turning your back on me and my mother daily, oh, gee, as I type this, could it be a demon, a DEMON, which, you so called faithful God's have been prayed to thousands of times, supernaturally return, once again must be impossible for God to control, command back to hell, and not to return, but sure does don't they Jesus, don't they Jesus, and again, we see supernatural all powerful God, having to be asked on a daily basis about demons and evil spirits, my point, NOT FAITHFUL, what he does for others, he just supernaturally can not do for me and my 88 year old mother, ask yourself Jesus, has this ever been presented to you, personally, has this burden ever been given to you personally, Matthew 11:28, amazing isn't it Jesus, how much you could do in a matter of weeks, months, days, before, TODAY, just can NOT do anything but maybe a day off here and there, I THINK YOU NEED TO READ YOUR OWN BIBLE JESUS, compare what I have presented to you on several occasions, and what has truly been done, fixed, completed, taken off my own yoke, any form of prospering Jeremiah 29:11 JUST DOES NOT HAPPEN DOES IT JESUS, TOO FOCUSED, TOO BUSY, FAULTING DEMONS AND SATAN ARENT WE JESUS? In Jesus name I pray amen, YOUR NOT FAITHFUL JESUS, PERIOD, making up lame reasons and excuses does not, convince me your able or capable, I have lived it too often and too long Jesus Christ, amen,

Me and my parents

Oscar Santiago-Rosa
Please pray that God may cure my parents and that they may be strong and healthy. Please pray that my parents may not die and fully recover from their illnesses. Please pray that God may protect me, my parents, and my pets from all harm and evil. Please pray that God may protect us from evil people and Satan. Please pray that God may help me, my parents, and my pets to be strong and healthy. Please pray that God may help me complete my PhD in Psychology Research ASAP and find a great online teaching job. God bless and thank you, Oscar

lost pet

an ba
please pray for pet owners to find their lost dog. Pray for the pet to get back home thanks


Please pray for Alan’s nephew Nathan and that he is healed from his disability and what is causing him to have issues, pray that the Lord helps him and that he is saved.


Tan Popatas
I need help. I really need forgiveness from truly hardcore dispising and vengefull beings. If they forgive me they will no longer extract vengence on me. Thank you for the prayers. Also I really need unfearful and unthrilling death when the time really come. Thank you for the prayers


Samantha Harvey
May you please pray for the deliverance, protection, and sanctification of Samantha Lynn Harvey.


Crystal Vines
Please pray for full time employment and sleep at night. I am not getting any interviews

Salvation desperately needed

Please pray for my best friend Andrew G to accept Jesus as his savior and begin to follow him. It's very important. Thank you so much for your time to pray.


Please pray for me to be healed from anxiety. Thank you so much. I really appreciate it!

Heal Heartbreak and Depression

Jenny Tressler
I barely leave the house. I don't work or see people. I'm only 43 but I'm widowed without kids, and I have been depressed for a long time. When I do leave the house, I feel more lonely because I don't have people I connect with or a purpose. It is hard to leave my bed. I am in therapy but nothing much has changed. I have lost family, friends, and an important partner. I still miss him. I struggle with health but have an eating disorder. My future looks bleak. I do have a relationship with Jesus but my faith needs help and obedience too.

pet needing help

an ba
please say your prayer about the cat 3 y., she was adopted but now she is cruelly abandoned on the cold street . Pray for good people to solve the problem with warm home for her very soon. Thanks


an ba
please pray for many more dogs especially old and shy, to get adopted from animal shelter S. especially the dog the most longterm inhabitant. Also pray for many local volunteers to regularly walk these petsPray for information to be spread on social networks. thanks

Prayers for Alan C.

Anonymous ..
Please pray the Lord helps Alan,. Pray everything will work out good for him in Jesus name.


Please pray for Kanesha, Danasha, Ayesha, Iesha and Nisha. Thank you very much.


Serhii Vasylovych
Please pray for my healing and restoration.


Please pray for the Lord to save my dad and deliver him from evil, sin and addictions in Jesus name.


GOD COVER N COVERING OVER ANDIN EVERYTHING N ALL THINGS TENNESSEE EACH NE VERY CITY N STATE N COUNTY antioch tennessee/hickory hollow/nashville/nashville downtown/south/west/north/east nashville tennssee murfreesboro tennessee/manchester tennessee/springifle tennssee/GOD COVER N OCVER OVER ANDIN EVERYTHGIN N ALL THINGS each n baptist churches n mt zion missionary baptis church n jefferson street missionary baptist church n priestlake baptist church n corinathan baptist church each n every baptist church n each n every BAPTIST churches unity priest lake n unity all state of emergency n all charity god cover n covering over and in everythgin n all thines n all types of situtions n all types of circummstances n all types of outcomes n GOD COVER N COVERING OVER AND IN EVERYTHGIN N ALL THINGS ALL TYPES OF CLINICS N ALL TYPES OF HOSPITALS N n all types of insuance compnies n all types of licenses n al types of mortgage n all types of bills ALL TYPES OF BUSINESS N ALL TYPES OF SELF EMPLOYMENT N ALL TYPES OF WAREHOUSE N ALL TYPES OF PLANTS N ALL TYPES OF HUMAN RESOURCE N ALL TYPES OF HIRIING RECRUITMENT N ALAL TYPES OF DEPART TO DEPAERTMENT N god cover n covering over and in ALL TYPES OF SUPERVISOR N ALLO TYPES OF MANAGERS N ALL TYPES OF HIRING MANAGERS N ALL TYPES OF HIRING SUPERVIROS N ALL TN ALL TYPES OF LICENSES N ALL TYPES OF INSURANCE COMPANIES N GOD COVER N COVERING over and in everythgin n all things ALL TYPES OF SITUTIONS N ALL TYPES OF CIRCUMSTANCE SN ALL TYPES OF OUTCOMES HOUSING/HOMES/DWELLING/APARTMENT/CONDO/TOWNHOUSES/DUPLEX WORK/WORK ETHICS/HEALTH/WELLNESS/WELLBEING/GIFTS/TALENTS/greatness/legacy/work/work ethics n all blessings ALL types of situiins n all types of circumstances n all types of outcomes BLESSING/TRANSPORATION/ALL n all types of insurance companies n all types of liceneses all ages mother/dads raised in the admiration of the lord n ll all ages male/female raised in the admiration of the lord young adult n all ages male/female raised in the admiration of the lord adult n all ages male/female raised in the lord middle ages adults n all ages male/female raised in the admiration of the lord grandchildren n all ages male/female raised in the admiration of the lord greatgrandchcildren n all ags male/female raised in the admiration of the lord offsprings n all ages male/female riased in the admiration of the lord descedants ages male/female children n all ages male/female young adult children n all ages male/female aduult children n all ages male/female middle age adult children n all ages malefemale grandchidren n all ages male/female greatgrandchildren n all ages male/female ffsprngs n all ages male/female descedants AGES male/female SINGLE MALE/FEMALE RAISED IN THE ADMIRATION OF THE LORD n all ages deacons/apostles/conerstones/joint heirs of christ/royal priesthood/discples/saints/levites and all their children n all ages male/female raised in the admiration of the lord young adult n all ages male/female raised in the admiration of the lord adult n all ages male/female raised in the lord middle ages adults n all ages male/female raised in the admiration of the lord grandchildren n all ages male/female raised in the admiration of the lord greatgrandchcildren n all ags male/female raised in the admiration of the lord offsprings n all ages male/female riased in the admiration of the lord descedants all ages male N female choir members n all threir children raised in the admiration of the lord n n all ages male/female raised in the admiration of the lord young adult n all ages male/female raised in the admiration of the lord adult n all ages male/female raised in the lord middle ages adults n all ages male/female raised in the admiration of the lord grandchildren n all ages male/female raised in the admiration of the lord greatgrandchcildren n all ags male/female raised in the admiration of the lord offsprings n all ages male/female riased in the admiration of the lord descedants all ages male N female dads raised in the admiration of the lord all ages male n female widows in the lord all ages male/female raised in the admiration of the lord young adult n all ages male/female raised in the admiration of the lord adult n all ages male/female raised in the lord middle ages adults n all ages male/female raised in the admiration of the lord grandchildren n all ages male/female raised in the admiration of the lord greatgrandchcildren n all ags male/female raised in the admiration of the lord offsprings n all ages male/female riased in the admiration of the lord descedants


alvoera alvlor
GOD COVER N COVERING OVER ANDIN EVERYTHING N ALL THINGS TENNESSEE EACH NE VERY CITY N STATE N COUNTY antioch tennessee/hickory hollow/nashville/nashville downtown/south/west/north/east nashville tennssee murfreesboro tennessee/manchester tennessee/springifle tennssee/GOD COVER N OCVER OVER ANDIN EVERYTHGIN N ALL THINGS each n baptist churches n mt zion missionary baptis church n jefferson street missionary baptist church n priestlake baptist church n corinathan baptist church each n every baptist church n each n every BAPTIST churches unity priest lake n unity all state of emergency n all charity god cover n covering over and in everythgin n all thines n all types of situtions n all types of circummstances n all types of outcomes n GOD COVER N COVERING OVER AND IN EVERYTHGIN N ALL THINGS ALL TYPES OF CLINICS N ALL TYPES OF HOSPITALS N n all types of insuance compnies n all types of licenses n al types of mortgage n all types of bills ALL TYPES OF BUSINESS N ALL TYPES OF SELF EMPLOYMENT N ALL TYPES OF WAREHOUSE N ALL TYPES OF PLANTS N ALL TYPES OF HUMAN RESOURCE N ALL TYPES OF HIRIING RECRUITMENT N ALAL TYPES OF DEPART TO DEPAERTMENT N god cover n covering over and in ALL TYPES OF SUPERVISOR N ALLO TYPES OF MANAGERS N ALL TYPES OF HIRING MANAGERS N ALL TYPES OF HIRING SUPERVIROS N ALL TN ALL TYPES OF LICENSES N ALL TYPES OF INSURANCE COMPANIES N GOD COVER N COVERING over and in everythgin n all things ALL TYPES OF SITUTIONS N ALL TYPES OF CIRCUMSTANCE SN ALL TYPES OF OUTCOMES HOUSING/HOMES/DWELLING/APARTMENT/CONDO/TOWNHOUSES/DUPLEX WORK/WORK ETHICS/HEALTH/WELLNESS/WELLBEING/GIFTS/TALENTS/greatness/legacy/work/work ethics n all blessings ALL types of situiins n all types of circumstances n all types of outcomes BLESSING/TRANSPORATION/ALL n all types of insurance companies n all types of liceneses all ages mother/dads raised in the admiration of the lord n ll all ages male/female raised in the admiration of the lord young adult n all ages male/female raised in the admiration of the lord adult n all ages male/female raised in the lord middle ages adults n all ages male/female raised in the admiration of the lord grandchildren n all ages male/female raised in the admiration of the lord greatgrandchcildren n all ags male/female raised in the admiration of the lord offsprings n all ages male/female riased in the admiration of the lord descedants ages male/female children n all ages male/female young adult children n all ages male/female aduult children n all ages male/female middle age adult children n all ages malefemale grandchidren n all ages male/female greatgrandchildren n all ages male/female ffsprngs n all ages male/female descedants AGES male/female SINGLE MALE/FEMALE RAISED IN THE ADMIRATION OF THE LORD n all ages deacons/apostles/conerstones/joint heirs of christ/royal priesthood/discples/saints/levites and all their children n all ages male/female raised in the admiration of the lord young adult n all ages male/female raised in the admiration of the lord adult n all ages male/female raised in the lord middle ages adults n all ages male/female raised in the admiration of the lord grandchildren n all ages male/female raised in the admiration of the lord greatgrandchcildren n all ags male/female raised in the admiration of the lord offsprings n all ages male/female riased in the admiration of the lord descedants all ages male N female choir members n all threir children raised in the admiration of the lord n n all ages male/female raised in the admiration of the lord young adult n all ages male/female raised in the admiration of the lord adult n all ages male/female raised in the lord middle ages adults n all ages male/female raised in the admiration of the lord grandchildren n all ages male/female raised in the admiration of the lord greatgrandchcildren n all ags male/female raised in the admiration of the lord offsprings n all ages male/female riased in the admiration of the lord descedants all ages male N female dads raised in the admiration of the lord all ages male n female widows in the lord all ages male/female raised in the admiration of the lord young adult n all ages male/female raised in the admiration of the lord adult n all ages male/female raised in the lord middle ages adults n all ages male/female raised in the admiration of the lord grandchildren n all ages male/female raised in the admiration of the lord greatgrandchcildren n all ags male/female raised in the admiration of the lord offsprings n all ages male/female riased in the admiration of the lord descedants

Facts and Truth

Steven and Barbara Smith
Facts: The bible never said that God will loosen demons to prosper against us, the truth is the bible speaks quite the opposite, Isaiah 54:17, No weapon formed against you shall prosper? So, why is it a weapon formed against me Jesus is allowed to prosper? We examine POOR Jesus life on earth, BETRAYED ONE SINGLE TIME, but yet, I'm expected to be betrayed thousands of times, and the one person that supposedly betrayed Jesus WAS NOT A FREIND, quite the opposite, you made it clear Jesus, you really didn't care for Judas, so betrayal by an enemy one would expect wouldn't they Jesus? In Psalm 91:11 I shall give you my angels to watch over you, TELL ME JESUS, IS IT THE RESPONSBLITY OF ANGELS, JUST TO STAND AROUND AND WATCH DEMONS HARASS, ATTACK, CURSE, TORMENT, TORTURE AND ABUSE, a person for 23 years? Matthew 21:22, Something about all prayers are answered, since when does very few mean ALL? Mark 10:23-31, CLEARLY SAYS ALL THINGS TAKEN FOR THE PURPOSE OF SPREADING OF THE GOSPEL OR FOR GODS PURPOSE shall be given back, after 23 years Jesus, name one thing you PERSONALLY have given back that didn't magically come from my own bank account or my mother's wallet, that has nothing to do with MAGIC JESUS. 2 Thessalonians 3:3 THE BIGGEST DECEPTION IN THE BIBLE, I am God, I am faithful, I shall protect you from the evil one? When does this faithful God, start protecting me from the evil one, because it sure hasn't happen yet after 23 years? I shall test you a little while, SINCE WHEN IS TESTING A PERSON 1/3rd of their life constantly non-stop A LITTLE WHILE, I call a LITTLE WHILE about 40 days in the wilderness, at least that's what our role model endured. Matthew 7:7-9, God will give you more than you ask for, do we need specific details about how little God really gives? Matthew 16:19, Whatever you bind on earth shall be bound in heaven, I still have the list at home Jesus with your name tied to those things that have been bound? I can prove it... Jeremiah 29:11 Since when is doing nothing asked or promised written in the bible considered prospering? Genesis 12:3 I shall bless those that bless you and in my case, you seem more willing to bless those who curse me than your willing to bless me whose lost so much, prayed so much, sacrificed so much. KNOW WHAT JESUS, A TOTAL WASTE OF TIME AND EFFORT EXPECTING DIFFERENT FROM YOU. Oh if you don't want to fix or give back anything you promise, and if your not willing to answer prayers as prayed, be at least honorable and protect someone from the demons and evil spirits instead of acting like your doing something.

Success in College

Seth M
I’ve been feeling very sick the last two weeks in my MA program at Multnomah University. It feels like a spiritual attack—I feel physically weak, and my mind and emotions have been attacked. I’ve fallen very behind. Pray that God will help me to completely catch up! Pray that God will restore what the locusts have eaten. Pray for strength, focus, discipline and energy. Pray that I will get ahead instead of behind. Pray for favor and grace with my professors. Pray that I will succeed this semester. Pray that God will protect me from attacks and surround me with angels. Thanks.

God’s will

Ha-young Shin
Please pray the following for you, Jung-won, Ui-seop, Ha-young, Ye-young, Eun-tae, In-sook: While our bodies are alive, let us receive the words that proceed out of the mouth of the one true God; let us store His commands inside us and keep them until the end of time. Please send out the angels from God Himself and take away all the wicked who deceive us. Allow us to see for ourselves what all of this has accomplished. “In that day you will know that I am in My Father, and you in Me, and I in you.” ??John? ?14?:?20? ?


an ba
Please pray for higher officials and legislators to stop the amendments to the law that will eliminate animal welfare societies and lead to the abandonment and killing of thousands of animals. Pray that animal charities continue to be successful for many years and are protected by law and government from bureaucrats and bad people. Only a short time left. thank you


Hepsiba G
Please pray for my elder brother God's guidance and protection in his life. Pray for taking good decisions.

Prayer to Save Marriage and Reunite Family

Please pray that God brings my husband home and reunites our family. Thank you so much.


Alliver Alliver
GOD COVER N COVERING OVER ANDIN EVERYTHING N ALL THINGS TENNESSEE EACH NE VERY CITY N STATE N COUNTY antioch tennessee/hickory hollow/nashville/nashville downtown/south/west/north/east nashville tennssee murfreesboro tennessee/manchester tennessee/springifle tennssee/GOD COVER N OCVER OVER ANDIN EVERYTHGIN N ALL THINGS each n every baptist CHURCHES god cover n covering over and in everythgin n all thines n all types of situtions n all types of circummstances n all types of outcomes n GOD COVER N COVERING OVER AND IN EVERYTHGIN N ALL THINGS ALL TYPES OF CLINICS N ALL TYPES OF HOSPITALS N ALL TYPES OF BUSINESS N ALL TYPES OF SELF EMPLOYMENT N ALL TYPES OF WAREHOUSE N ALL TYPES OF PLANTS N ALL TYPES OF HUMAN RESOURCE N ALL TYPES OF HIRIING RECRUITMENT N ALAL TYPES OF DEPART TO DEPAERTMENT N god cover n covering over and in ALL TYPES OF SUPERVISOR N ALLO TYPES OF MANAGERS N ALL TYPES OF HIRING MANAGERS N ALL TYPES OF HIRING SUPERVIROS N ALL TYPES OF COMMUNICATION N ALL TYPES OF LICENSES N ALL TYPES OF INSURANCE COMPANIES N GOD COVER N COVERING over and in everythgin n all things ALL TYPES OF SITUTIONS N ALL TYPES OF CIRCUMSTANCE SN ALL TYPES OF OUTCOMES HOUSING/HOMES/DWELLING/APARTMENT/CONDO/TOWNHOUSES/DUPLEX WORK/WORK ETHICS/HEALTH/WELLNESS/WELLBEING/GIFTS/TALENTS/greatness/legacy/work/work ethics n all blessings ALL BLESSING/TRANSPORATION/ALL AGES SINGLE MALE/FEMALE RAISED IN THE ADMIRATION OF THE LORD N ALL AGSE MALE/FEMALE SINGLE MIDDLE AGES RASIED IN THE ADMIRATION OF THE LORD N ALL DEACONS n all ages sons/duaghrers n all ages male/female /SAINTS n all ages sons/daughrter n all ages male/female /CORNERSTONES/ n all ages sons/daughers n all ages male/female APOSTLES n all ages sons/daughters n all ages male/female /ELDERS n all ages sons/daughers n all ages male/female /WIDOWS IN THE LORD n all ages sons/daughers n /all ages male/female n all ages male/female choir members n all ages sons/daughters n all ages male/female SERVANTS n all ages sons/duaghers n all /ALL AGES MALE/FEMALE FAMILY MEMBERS n allages sons/daugheres /ALL AGES MALE/FEMALE WIDIOWS IN THE LORD/SINGLE MAN/WOMAN IN THE LORD N all ages male/female choir membersALL AGES MALE/FEMALE FAMILY MEMBERS/SINGLE DAD/MOTHER RASIED IN THE ADMIRATION OF THE LORD N ALL AGES MALE/FEMALE n all their children n all ages male/femae single raised in the admiration of the lord n all ages male/female young adult children raised in the admiration of the lord n all ages male/female adult raised in the admiration of the lord FAMILY MEMBERS/DISCPLES/GENTILES/N ALL THEIR CHIDLREN N ALL AGES MALE/FEMALE YOUNG ADULT CHILDREN N ALL AGES MALE/FEMALE MIDDLE AGES CHILDREN N ALL AGES MALE/FEMALE GRANDPARENTS IN THE LORD N ALL AGES MALE/FEMALE FAMILY MEMBERS N ALL AGES MALE/FEMALE SINGLE MOTHERS IN THE LORD N ALL AGES MALE/FEMALE FAMILY MEMBERS/ ALL AGES MALE/FEMALE GREATGRANDPARENTS N ALL AGES MALE/FEMALE MEMBERSn all ages ages nfl ex football players n all family members n all ages male/female relatives n all ages male/female parents n all ages sons/daughters n matrix n all ages sonn daughters


Jacqueline Kelly
PRAYERS: For God to manifest Himself to the Creature He and The God-Head has made and make them worship Hi and understand that He is Jesus Christ the Messiah and Yeshua Hamashiech Maker Of Heaven and Earth And make them know of the lies of His enemies Palestinians et al against Israel and His land. Pray that Kings will shut their mouths at Him, all rulers of the Arab world will fear and reverence Him and talk about him one to another and that millions will see Him and know the truth about Israel and the land that is of and for GOD ALLMIGHTY!! Isaiah 52:15 So shall he sprinkle many nations; the kings shall shut their mouths at him: for that which had not been told them shall they see; and that which they had not heard shall they consider. AS CAPTAIN OF THE LORD’S HOSTS: Joshua 5:14chapter context similar meaning copy save And he said, Nay; but as captain of the host of the LORD am I now come. And Joshua fell on his face to the earth, and did worship, AND SO SHOULD ALL WHO SEE AND REALIZE HIM AS JESU CHRIST GOD ALLMIGHTY AND HE SAVES AS MANY AS HE WILLS. PRAY TOO THAT JESS SPEAKS TO JORDAN ABOUT HIS LAND THAT THEY ARE SITTING ON AND THAT THEY WILL FEAR AND GIVE BECK ALL THAT BELONGS TO ISRAEL TO ISRAEL IN JESUS' HOLY NAME.


Kim Jones
I am in danger of being evicted. I now have a job, but am underemployed. I need a miracle and a way to borrow, sell stuff, or otherwise raise funds for my rent. My daughter needs a job and I need a better job.

Facts and Truth

Steven and Barbara Smith
I know what I had, I know what I have prayed, I know what I have been led to believe, I know how long its been, I know what the bible promises (giving back better), I know what I see, I know what I don't see, and I know how many test, how many trials, how many battles, how many good things I have lost, I would expect you Jesus to put forth more effort in fixing a Christians life, you seem so willing to keep destroying after 23 years, in Jesus name I pray amen


Ha-young Shin
Please pray the following for you, Jung-won, Ui-seop, Ha-young, Ye-young, Eun-tae, In-sook: While our bodies are alive, let us receive the words that proceed out of the mouth of the one true God; let us store His commands inside us and keep them until the end of time. Please send out the angels from God Himself and take away all the wicked who deceive us. Allow us to see for ourselves what all of this has accomplished. “In that day you will know that I am in My Father, and you in Me, and I in you.” ??John? ?14?:?20? ? —- Thank you for praying. May God richly bless you with an even deeper understanding of His love and purposes as you live for Him! “I will bless those who bless you, but I will curse anyone who curses you; and by you all the families of the earth will be blessed.”- Genesis ?12?:?3?

Job Prayer

S Gall
I love my job, but my boss is a bully with a vendetta. I don't want to be driven away because of her! There's another, better paying open position, same job, nearby. I pray she applies, makes a better life for herself and her family, and leaves my life and work alone!


Jacqueline Kelly


an ba
Please pray to stop the law changes that lobby the animal euthanasia business and actually eliminate no kill shelters. No kill shelters will be forced to invest large financial resources but they don't have that much money, only donations, they will be forced to stop working and the pets may be killed. There is very little time left. Pray that no kill shelters will receive big political and financial support and continue their work for many years. thank you

Prayer needs

Brenda H
My husband and I are going through alot and need prayers, but we are also needing prayer for financial problems and to be able to pay off bills and to get ahead


Please pray to stop the law changes that lobby the animal euthanasia business and actually eliminate no kill shelters. No kill shelters will be forced to invest large financial resources but they don't have that much money, only donations, they will be forced to stop working and the pets may be killed. There is very little time left. Pray that no kill shelters will receive big political and financial support and continue their work for many years. thank you

Facts and Truth

Steven and Barbara Smith


Brenda .
I need prayer for complete physical healing and good health, also my life is not going well and I don’t know what to do


Jacqueline Kelly
Urgent: 1) Pray that God will deliver the souls of the family from adversaries, enemies and foes and that he will preserve the entire family while He manifests his word in defending our souls spirits and bodies of all of the family members. 2) Pray that God will manifest His word that pertains to treating the adversaries of the church. 3) Pray for me and my house that God will eradicate the wicked and their wickedness agaisnt me and my house.Not one of them will take In Jesus' holy name.


Jacqueline Kelly
IMPORTANT INDEED: Please pray mightily 1) for me and my house for the devil is trying to stir up enmity against us and doing evil things. pray that God will intervene mightily and cause many many, many, intercessors worldwide to fast and pray for me and my house, for those who are caring for us, for God's people not to get hurt in any e way in Jesu holy and blessed forever name. 2) That GOD will destroy satan mightily and that evil serpent-man that the devil has attacking people. 3)That God will crush mercilessly them and cause the millions to escape from them and for the serpent to cannot be fixed back in Jesus' holy name. 4) THAT GOD WILL UTTERLY DECIMATE THE ATTACKERS OF ME AND MY HOUSE IN JESUS' HOLY NAME.

Waiting upon the Lord

I return frequently to ask you pray my mom get the apt she is hoping for in Newton Centre NJ and my ex-wife April repent and we be restored in marriage. Thank you.


Jacqueline Kelly

inaccurate prayers ned fixing by GOD

Jacqueline Kelly
most urgent: THE LORD HAS ALERTED ME TO BE COGNIZANT THAT THE PRAYER AND DECLARATIONS AND DECREES 1) WERE NOT CAREFULLY THOUGHT OUT FOR HIS WILL TO BE DONE SO i took his counsel to pray for his holy will to be done to spare this land. I know that He moves, terrible things will be done and many people will be destroyed. GOD WANTS PRAYERS TO BE ACCURATE AND ACCORDING TO HIS HOLY WILL I therefore ask that petitions be made to God, a) To reconsider the evils that he was about to do in Jamaica. b) That He will not do them anymore such as tsunamis and earthquakes to kill off a tremendous amount of people and not want to destroy. some parts of the nation. 2) THAT GOD WILL SEE TO IT THAT THOSE EVILS THAT HE HAD DETERMINED IN THE PAST AND WILL NOT WANT TO DO IN THE PRESENT OR FUTURE, a) That He will so set up things that no one can cause Him to release them in any way. 3) That God will have great mercy on Jamaica and forgive the wickedness of its past as it pertains to slavery and the hedious acts of fornication and other acts of immorality. 4) That God will forgive the sins of slavery and immorality and all other sins of such times of the past. 5) That God will also turn away the crassness and derogatory behavious of the nation and the ugly swearings and wicked words been banded about and the acceptable ang agreed bad behaviours of the nation


J Kelly
A FAMILY IS IN URGENT NEED OF THE LORD ADDRESSING ALL THEIR PROBLEMS AND FIXING BACK THEM ALL RIGHT AND CLEAN AND FORGIVEN AND SECURE IN CHRIST JESUS Pray that God will forgive the little ones of their sins and tresspases and transgressions and that God will build them back as at the first in JesuS holy name. PRAY THAT GOD WILL MAKE THEM TO BE OVERCOPMERS IN JESU HOLY NAME.


Daniel Chrzanowski
Let's pray so I survive the night because I have a thrombosis, my calf hurts terribly,my veins and blood vessels hurt a lot so let's rebuke the clot and command it to dissolve in the mighty name of Jesus, let us announce life and speak to this illness/condition/curse , whatever it is to get out of my body in the Mighty Name of Jesus we pray, AMEN


J Kelly
SOME ONE WHO HAS BEEN HELPING THE LORD WITH ME AND MY HOUSE SEEM TO BE IN NEED OF THE GRACE OF GOD REGARDING ME AND M HOUSE AND OTHERS. She seems to be attacking me and my family instead. Please pray that God will shield her and help her in every way she and her house that no evil can befall her in any way ever regarding me and my house in Jesu holy name. PRAY THAT GOD WILL STEP IN AND DELIVER HER MIGHTILY AND TREMENDPUSLY AND SET HER FREE FROM ALL ATATCKS IN JESU HOLY NAME NOT FOR NOW ONLY


Julie Castel
????My special intention for this new year of 2024? for God to place his holy spirit and his holy ghost hands upon my WOMB for me to finally be blessed to CONCIVED my husband WILLIAM first new born Miracle blessings child together for God to finally take full control over my PREGNANCY PROCESS together with my husband for God to open the door for me to finally be PREGNANT ? ? for my husband this new year of 2024 with nothing but blessings deliverance to carry a full term nine month healthy baby and give birth to my husband WILLIAM baby a safe healthy delivery with God's mercy and grace upon our baby seeking for God to cleans my womb completely to bring into the world blessings miracle babies Two miracle blessings babies for my husband desperately seeking for God to finally make my husband William and I dream comes true with a POSTIVE PREGNANT TEST RESULTS ????for god to send our Guardian angels to walked with us both together throughout our pregnancy process ? seeking for God's powerful almighty miracle blessings deliverance healing hands upon my WOMB my health for a successful pregnancy ????2024?desperately seeking for nothing but miracles blessings good news for my husband and I to finally extend our family together has husband and wife ? desperately seeking for a healthy growing baby

Connor Abel

Ava Myers
Please pray for Connor Abel. He has struggled his entire life as an unwanted child. He is a young teenager facing many difficulties. Thank you.

Facts and Truth

Steven and Barbara Smith
Did Jesus endure Satan on a daily basis for 23 years? Did any of the prayers Jesus asked the Father never get answered as prayed with the exception of the one where Jesus proclaims Father why have you forsaken me? Did Jesus ever show any signs of having to wait for anything? Remember, as a Child he went to his Fathers house as a 13 year old, without his parents knowledge, I feel most of us would have been grounded, spanked, or other for performing such act. This was a spoiled entitled child, who probably got away with far more than he should have. Did Jesus ever experience in his life, having to deal with know it all, arrogant, prideful people, who think their smarter than what they are, people who do not have not really accomplished anything in their life but yet know everything just because they have to build themselves up to make them feel good about themselves? Did Jesus constantly move from one evil season, right into the next evil season and receive nothing he asked for from the Father? Did God permit Satan to keep stacking the deck against Jesus, taking his peace, robbing him of his joy and happiness, and refusing to protect him, remember 12 disciples at all times, surrounded by 10,000 angels. Wouldn't that be special. After the 40 days in the wilderness did God permit Satan to keep testing Jesus? When Jesus was baptized, what did John the Baptizer say to Jesus, something to the effect, you should be baptizing me, and the real kicker, Jesus replied but for me to be an example, I must be baptized. Not only did this baptism have no impact, or effect but was just merely a God going through the motions of acting like a human. After Jesus was baptized what did God do and say about Jesus? Something to the effect of him being very proud of him (question, why, what had he really done up to that point?) What would make God so proud of someone that he would call out from heaven, that he was very proud of this son? I know this, I've done some pretty great things over the past 23 years, and all I receive is demons and evil, interesting, I guess I must be more than a God since its very apparent I have to give more than a God, endure Satan more, do more and receive nothing in return. Is that a fact God, I am more than a God, but I sure don't hear God speak from the heavens telling anyone how damn proud he is of me, and his actions sure don't reflect a proud Father but more of a disillusioned mad person. Did Jesus, ever have to sit and tolerate Satan and demons, who would question him, try to doubt his words and efforts. Once again, did God ever allow Satan to keep dreaming up new test, and curses again Jesus? Did Jesus have freedom to do whatever he wanted to? Did Jesus have freedom to ask anything and it would be given by the Father? Did Jesus, truly behave like a humble servant, outside of washing the disciples feet ONE TIME? Did Jesus ever curse a fig tree because it was not bearing fruit? Patience? Did Jesus, ever have to wait on anything to be given? Lazarus Come out and then 23 years later Lazarus never came out? How impressed would the people gathered at Lazarus tomb be if Lazarus never came out? Is Jesus a God, who expects a man to endure more than he ever thought about enduring? How long did Jesus suffer? Outside of the Crucifixion did the bible ever mention Jesus suffering? What does the bible say about praying with faith the size of a mustard seed? What does the bible say about testing a little while? Do you consider 23 years of testing a little while? Or to put it another way, testing you personally for 1/3rd of your life after allowing Satan to destroy your life completely. Do you believe Jesus is a God of double standards. Expects this one to wait and endure Satan, but seems to overlook and bless someone in great abundance for not really doing what we are lead to believe in the bible, like fornicating outside of marriage, gossip, not giving freely, hoarding, greed, prideful actions, such as one of these new tools and weapons Satan magically brought into my life. Do you think people can change who have everything, and do you consider it great joy to be under some Satanic curse, and evil blanket that seems to have the power and abilities to attack freely, curse your prayers, curse your life, and get by with it? Do you think God answers all prayers asked in Jesus name or do you think God does not recognize Jesus as a God and fails to answer any prayers asked in Jesus name? Do you think God takes burdens, and when he takes those burdens, their truly taken? Do you think God binds on earth and is willing to bind those things in heaven? Do you think its ok for Satan to use our prayers against us? Does Satan give anything good? What does the bible lead us to believe all good things come from? Do any of the promises God makes which is considered a part of the new covenant, ever fail to happen? In other words does Gods word ever fail, or also known as return in void? Do you think God actually gives us back better than we lost? Do you think God has the power to force Satan to give back anything? Why is it, on a daily basis I have to mention or constantly bring these things to your attention Jesus Christ? Maybe not all present, maybe not all powerful, maybe not all knowing, example Theology 101 first Chapter, quote unquote, God is all powerful, God is all knowing, God is all present? SO, are you Satan Jesus, I think this is a decent question to ask since Satan seems to be always present around my life on a daily basis and after 23 years and constant praying, I question the difference between who is the liar and who is not the liar? I speak facts, I tell the truth, verily, verily I say, who is the real God, and who is not the real GOD?

I am overwhelmed.

Michael Naselli
This is the bottom line of my prayer if you don't like reading long prayers: The bible says "he who begins a good work in you won't stop until it's finished". It also says "God is not a man that he should lie". Furthermore, it says "where two or more agree, I will be there and answer". Thus, given that, here is my prayer: I pray God begins the good work in me of getting me to Heaven and given his promise of two or more (you and me) that you pray this on my behalf. Nothing is more important than this. If you who want more detail, you can read more here: I've been stuck in cycle of sinning, repenting, then backsliding and sinning again. This particular sin I recently resisted for less than two weeks then today I sinned again. Please ask God to forgive me and help me not to sin again or mess up my salvation. When I was still a lamb (baby) The Good Shephard (Jesus) threw me into a den of wolves in sheep's clothing (a family of narcissists). Also, much like in The Book of Job, God gave Satan permission to attack me when I was still good. Given the mental abuse of my family and demonic attacks, unanswered prayers, broken dreams, stagnation, supernatural blocks, I lost faith in God and wandered thinking maybe I was in the wrong religion. I sought out new age, law of attraction, Buddhist teachings. Before all that I called out to God for Justice, and help, as the bible says "he who are heavy laden call on me and I'll give you rest my yoke is easy and gentle". Yet, I had no response, so I figured if this promise isn't true than all of the bible is not true and I did my own thing for years. I said to God, before doing this, if you are real I'll follow you, but how can I follow he who I can't see or doesn't reveal himself to me so I did what I wanted. My life has been one of loneliness, failure, stagnation, unanswered prayer, no wife, can't afford a home or to retire, no friends, etc. Misery and constant struggle. And even though I've gotten up, brushed myself off, and repented and will try again, God still hasn't revealed himself. And like the prodigal son I wish to come back and need God to help me not to sin again. I'm worried as over the years I etched in myself a sin nature habit addiction I'm having trouble overcoming. My own weakness has me scared for my eternal soul. Thus, again, my main prayer is that you pray on my behalf (2 or more) that God, who begins a good work and doesn't stop until it's finished begins the good work of getting me to Heaven. Bottom line. A loophole so the devil can't get me. And please pray God is gentle in this work as I can't handle any more pressure. It's been overwhelming and too much. Like a camel with a broken back and too much load, anymore will crush me and be counterproductive. Thanks. Michael PS: Also,Satan has also sent gangstalking possessed people in my apartment complex to harass me with noise and intimidation 24/7 so when I come home from work I have no peace. EVER.

Prepare to meet thy God

Art Wilmoth
Muslims from all nations are infiltrating into our Southern Border in mass numbers to do us harm. They are militant Islamic Jihadist coming to kill stupid Americans in 2024. They will not assimilate into American culture, they will not obey our laws; They bring their own law Islam; They have no respect for the United States Constitution and Bill of Rights. They have one law that is Islam. Looks like Democrats are setting the Nation up for the final sucker punch this coming 2024. We are being set up for the final kill internally with an invasion of the enemy coming up from the southern border. Good luck with that. How does this plus the reset set of the dollar play into a sham national election? CIA world fact: Islamic progression / supporting document per request. Sincerely yours, Art Wilmoth PS. Please warn the country, and prepare to meet thy God.

wife salvation

please ask the Lord to save my wife and free her from the terrible emotional issues and anger she suffers from and is destroying us, this is mostly due to past abuse by her ex and her mother

For myself

Stephen Harris
Please pray for Gods hand on every area of my life. Please pray for my financial blessing and that I will get all the overtime I need.

I'm in trouble

Michael Naselli
When I was a lamb (baby) for some reason The Good Sheperd (Christ) threw me into a den of wolves in sheep's clothing (Narcissist parents/sibling). Furthermore, much like in the Book of Job, he let the devil on me and I've been under demonic attack ever since. I'm now 59 yrs old and over the years under the pressure I lost my faith, lost my way, sunk into demonic depravity. When I try to repent I do it without a foundation (when I look back I don't see answered prayer or God) and much like a house build on sand and when the rains come, I get washed away and backslide. I intermittently suffer doubt in God's existence, the Bible's truths, and worse, God's goodness. But I still fear him with my mustard size faith. But that hasn't been enough thus far to keep me from falling into sin (addiction to depraved porn and lust) then repenting, then sinning, then repenting. I'm therefore seriously worried about my eternal salvation. My life has no fruit. All my dreams shattered. It has been friendless stagnation, no wife (despite my prayers and the bible saying it's not good to be alone), loneliness, failure. I'm dirt poor. Can't afford a house. I want God to break all demonic strongholds in my life. I rebuke such things. The Bible says, "God is not a man that he should lie". It says, "He who begins a good work in you will not finish until it is done" (Philippians 1:6). <--This is my prayer I ask you to pray for me: Please pray God begins the good work in me to get me to Heaven. Bottom line. I am afraid I am hell bound without intervention (where two or more pray...). And when you ask him to begin this good work (which he won't stop until it's done) ask him to be gentle. I'm like a camel with a broken back and too much load on that back. It's crushing me. I can't take any more bad luck, pressure, hardship. I need positive reinforcement and reassurance, and to see God's goodness and love in my life.


Please pray for me to be healed of anxiety & worry. Thank you so much. I really appreciate it!


Kim Jones
I need to find a job in about a week or less. I need to find a job as a Homeschool teacher or Independent Study teacher. After many years of working in education, I have found that this is the job where I best fit and the job that uses my strengths as a teacher.

urgent prayer for phil and jack

For dad Jack heart healed, no mor eheart attack, to take enough vitamins, more income. Cousin Florian exteme pain lungs hospital for healing . For me Phil success in trading, finances, to support missionary work, Good social contact, friends, love Brother Billy healed bipolar thanks Salvation for dad Jack mom Suzan bro Billy thanks Read my blog

Prayer Request

Ha-young Shin
Please pray the following for you, your loved ones, Jung-won, Ui-seop, Ha-young, Ye-young, Eun-tae, In-sook: 1) Give all of us the kingdom of God and God's righteousness. 2) Give us all DIRECT REVELATION FROM THE ONE AND ONLY GOD, so that we may have real knowledge of the God of truth and the King Jesus Christ whom He has sent. ; “We accept human witness, but God’s witness is stronger” - 1 John ?5?:?9? 3) Let the Son of God make the name of God the Father known to us. ; “I will continue to make your name known to them so that the love with which you have loved me may be in them, and I myself may be united with them.” - John ?17?:?26? ? 4) Grant us complete and permanent turning back to God when all our bodies are alive. 5) Send forth plenty of workers for the harvest(Matthew 13:39) and command that your intended harvest be accomplished among us. 6) Lead us not into temptation, but deliver us from evil. Thank you for praying. May God richly bless you with an even deeper understanding of His love and purposes as you live for Him! - “I will bless those who bless you, but I will curse anyone who curses you; and by you all the families of the earth will be blessed.”- Genesis ?12?:?3?.. Amen.

Desperate times

Can you please pray for my son and his current work situation where he is facing a significant amount of adversity???? so that the Lord would give us wisdom to do His will and not rely on own. Sincerely Irina

Prayer need

B .
Please pray healing in my life my health and the Lord provides our needs in Jesus name

My Prayer

Steve and Barbara Smith
Sure is amazing isn't it Jesus Christ, how you seem so capable of opening doors of new opportunities for so many others, you just can't open for me. People who have not waited, people who do not sacrifice, people who are not tested, people who have no faith or very little faith, people who receive great blessings, and great opportunities, yet YOU JUST CAN'T DO FOR ME WHAT YOU SEEM SO ABLE TO DO FOR EVERYONE ELSE. 23 years of pure ass hell and yet THIS IS ALL YOU GREAT GODS CAN DO, sure is funny, how many thousands of prayers of faith RETURN IN VOID. In Hebrews 6:18 GOD CAN NOT LIE, so tell me God, why do you lie? Prayers concerning a person I was mislead to believe would be my future bride, recently divorced, and all these great things are given to her freely, no suffering, no sacrifice, no waiting, no testing, and just doors being opened and gee we treat everyone the same in heaven? You do NOT practice what you preach Jesus Christ, Romans 2:11, Matthew 7:7-9, Matthew 21:22, John 14:12-14, James 5:16, 1 Thessalonians 5:17, 2 Thessalonians 3:3, Exodus 14:14, Mark 10:23-31, Luke 18:23-31, gee so many new friendships granted and given, so many opportunties given to so many other people, yet WE JUST CAN NOT DO FOR YOU WHAT WE DO FOR EVERYONE ELSE, and our asses in heaven HAVE TO BE ASKED ON A DAILY BASIS concerning demons and wicked spirits formed against you, ISNT THAT A MIRACLE, but yet SURE DONT SEE ANYONE ELSE RECEIVING EVIL FOR GOOD NOW DO WE JESUS CHRIST? Pray with the expectation of receiving, that's why I have to take action, when prayers specifically said concerning how I feel this situation needs to truly be handled, sort of like those student loan payments laying on the kitchen table, that for the last 14 years I expected you God to be able to pay off magically but doesn't happen does it Jesus Christ, give me your burdens for my yoke is so extremely lite, we know now why your yoke is so extremely lite don't we Jesus Christ, because you sure don't take care of much of anything but rather too busy faulting Satan. Same old situations, same old dead do nothing God, whining about faith the size of a mustard seed, calling himself fair and just and treats everyone equally, same old Jesus Christ, muddling along and not doing much of anything, wants faith, yet fails to provide, wants faith and really doesn't provide or produce much of anything besides evil and wicked spirits, which have been bound in your name according to your word (did you forget your word Jesus) whatever you bind on earth shall be bound in heaven, or how about GOLLY GEE NOTHING IS IMPOSSIBLE FOR GOD Luke 1:37, Matthew 19:26, free service and all we have to offer is evil and wicked ways, free service and we really haven't done jack shit, we preach a good sermon, yet we are so typical of modern day preachers, not practicing what we preach. Put the kingdom of heaven first and everything else golly gee shall fall into place, I know many, many, many people who do not put the kingdom of heaven first and seem to be able to receive blessings on top of blessings, while I receive the opposite of what has been PRAYED IN FAITH, thousands of times, and all you seem to produce Jesus Christ, is evil and wickedness. Oh golly this too shall come to pass, SURE DOESNT DOES IT JESUS, you made it so easy for yourself up in heaven, WANTING FAITH and doing NOTHING asked in your name, IF ITS YOUR SO CALLED WILL IT ONLY PROVES HOW EVIL AND WICKED YOU ARE JESUS CHRIST. Need an example: My 87 year old mothers hip, still hurts, oh wait a minute this is the same God yesterday, today and tomorrow who claims he raised the dead, but can't heal a Christians body today? Sort of like I shall never ever put more on you than you can handle, I guess we forget about 6 months ago, when I puked my guts up from stress for 3 hours, and looked like death for 3 days, oh, I shall restore and give back all the years the locust have taken, DOES NOT HAPPEN DOES IT JESUS, as you muddle along, and just keeps right on faulting Satan, seems your more focused on appeasing Satan for one person than you are focused on appeasing Satan on some of these other people you tend to bless in great abundance, seems your more focused on my splinter then you are focused on others logs in their own eyes, seems your more capable of providing for others, then you can someone who has lost so much for 1/3rd of their life DOING YOUR DAMN WORK, and receiving Satan in return, seems we are more capable of taking care of and providing for people who pray to plastic false idols then we can for someone who has humbled themselves and asked you excessively, time and time again, NEW MONTH same old dead Jesus season, full of demonic games and surprises, and yet, PRODUCES nothing but evil in return, and rest assured the so called blessings are more of an insult than they really are a blessing, a free head of cabbage, a free watermelon, oh a free package of twizzlers SHAKEN UP, STIRRED UP AND POURED OUT. I have brought it to your Satanic loving attention many times Jesus, I HAD A VERY GOOD LIFE A NORMAL DECENT LIFE UNTIL YOU CRAWLED INTO MY LIFE, and just had to destroy everything and yet today SO UNWILLING TO DO MUCH OF ANYTHING BUT FAULT SATAN FOR NOT PRODUCING AND PROVIDING WHAT HAS BEEN ASKED IN YOUR DEMON LOVING NAME? YOU SEEM TO PREACH A VERY GOOD SERMON JESUS, about treating others as you want to be treated, BUT YET, like all your words inspired by the Holy Spirit, returns in void, I think you need to take a close look at what is really going on, and what isn't being done, I think you need to face the facts Jesus, you seem to produce evil for good, and not willing to do much outside of putting a curse on a person, because you failed, failed to answer prayers of faith concerning my dads health, the same God who wants faith, and yet says he never ever fails, I can give you examples of daily failures Jesus Christ, I WILL GIVE YOU A NEW ABUDANT GOOD LIFE, just never happens does it, and if I have to fix it and take care of it, I SURE DONT NEED A GOD NOW DO I JESUS CHRIST? IF I HAVE TO ENDURE SATAN ON MY OWN, WHY HAVE A GOD? IN Jesus name I pray amen By the way, how is it you think your entitled to faith, if I have to take care of it, why should I put my faith in a God, who seems to be so unwilling to do the right things, but yet seems to only open up doors to more evil, and does not answer prayers, oh lets make him desperate, oh lets curse his finances, oh lets make him unappealing to the opposite sex, oh lets isolate him, oh lets act like we can do all these wonderful things, yet, only manages to produce the opposite of what's been asked in our name, for an excessive amount of time, and gee never give up oh great things are coming, same old line of bull crap you been preaching for the past 23 years isn't it Jesus, oh what's coming is far greater than what you ever thought about having, BS 101. I AM NOT BLIND, I CAN SEE IN THE MIRROR WHAT TO EXPECT FROM YOU JESUS CHRIST, WE MAKE IT SO EASY ON OURSELVES IN HEAVEN TO DO SO LITTLE AND EXPECT SO MUCH IN RETURN. ARE YOU REALLY CAPABLE OF DOING ANYTHING JESUS BESIDES FAULTING DEMONS AND SATAN?


an ba
Please pray for the charity PD to receive several calls and messages with a warm home and offers of help for the 2 cats Pira and Straips who have lost the person who gave them a warm shelter. Spread out


My Brother Rudimar Pegoraro was diagnosed with a tumor in his pancreas. He's still waiting for his health care plan to authorize the biopsy procedure. Two years ago he had his leg amputated due to complications in a diabetic ulcer in his feet. God only knows how he's feeling. I ask you to pray for his cure. Thank you in advance and God bless you.

Prayer Request

Ha-young Shin
Please pray the following for you, Jung-won, Ui-seop, Ha-young, Ye-young, Eun-tae, In-sook: 1. Give all of us the kingdom of God and God's righteousness. 2. Grant us complete and permanent turning back to God when all our bodies are alive so that each of us may truly achieve the real liberation and freedom from all sins and idols, and become the true property of the eternal and one true God, serving only Him and living forever. 3. Send forth plenty of workers for the harvest(Matthew 13:39) and command that your intended harvest be accomplished among us. 4. Lead us not into temptation, but deliver us from evil.

My Prayer Request

Ms. Linda
Thank You in advance for praying this prayer over my life. Let Us Pray: God, I ask You in Jesus' name bless Ms. Linda, The Encourager, with everything she stands in need of, and everything You want her to have. Bless her to prosper, have excellent health, and never stop growing in the grace, knowledge, and wisdom of Christ Jesus. Bless her with love, power, and a sound mind. Heal her in every area of her life. Let Your Word be a lamp unto her feet, and a light unto her path. God bless her with Your knowledge, wisdom, favor, peace, protection, prosperity, strength, and success in all You have called her to do. And bless Ms. Linda to do all You have called her to do in the spirit of excellence for Your glory. God bless Ms. Linda with the strength, desire, and passion to always delight myself in You, seek first Your kingdom, and Your righteousness. Bless her to know You, love You, and live her life to please You. God cleansed her of everything in her life that breaks Your heart. Let Ms. Linda be a light in this dark world, lifting You up in the lifestyle that she lives. Let the world see that Jesus Christ is her Savior and Lord of ALL of her life. Let the joy of the Lord be Ms. Linda’s strength. God please protect Ms. Linda from all the plans of her enemies and the plans of the enemy of her soul. God please forever honor this prayer over Ms. Linda’s life. God Thank You. Thank You Lord Jesus. Amen, so be it by faith, and by faith, it is so in Jesus' name


My 25 year old niece who serves God through several ministries is fighting episodes of depression and anxiety. Please pray that the Lord will heal her so she can continue sharing the gospel.


Marisa Alonso
Marisa, healing and mind prayer , rest prayer , if u can pray this for one year , and for my daughter Brianna , healing and mind prayer , rest prayer , blessings home prayer , voices and mind protected prayer , if u can prayer till now through Dec 31 if u can prayer for blessing home prayer and voices and mind protected payer for one year abs thank u and can u have a pastor call me (972)623-7146

Caregiver Needed

Lee Gamez
We desperately need 2 new female caregivers for Rebecca Stockwell. She is in a wheelchair & has cerebral palsy. There is a rent-free bedroom/bathroom available if needed. $17 per hour. We are exhausted. Lee Gamez


Bless Anonymous
Asking for elder and prayer warrior prayers, please: Please pray for love, faith, hope and healing. Pray God cast out all fear and anxiety with faith and with God’s perfect love. Pray to trust God is faithful, truthful and will do all he has promised. Pray God restore me and lift up my head. Pray for abundant life in place of death, that God pour out his holy spirit on me, remove guilt from me so that I may approach the throne of grace with confidence to receive all that he wants to give me. Pray Jesus come quickly to fight for me and move the mountains and break the chains of fear, sickness and oppression I'm under and deliver me from these enemies that are to strong for me in Jesus name. Pray for powerful, fervent prayers of faith to heal me just like God’s Word says in Jesus name. Pray the door be closed on these sicknesses. Pray for God's blessing and favor in my healing and freedom.

My girlfriend Kimberly cured of her illness

Jeremy Thompson
My Girlfriend Kimberly has a terrible illness had it for a long time now and I want her to be cured of it. And responding to my Hotmail and Gmail messages and to come on Hangouts chat right now and messages.

God’s will

Ha-young Shin
Please pray Jesus Christ would carry out the following for Jung-won, Ui-seop, Ha-young, Ye-young, Eun-tae, In-sook: 1. Give all of us the kingdom of God and God's righteousness that you promised and make it happen. 2. Let the Son of God fulfill the Father God's will to us to the end, and let us see this and appreciate it when all our bodies are alive. 3. Do not allow us to do what we want or seek, but do for us what the Son of God wants to do, and only let it go well. 4. Lord Jesus, please send forth plenty of workers for the harvest that you talked about(Matthew? ?13?:?39?) and command that your intended harvest be accomplished among us.

salvation and other

Daniel .
Hi. I work as a rideshare driver. I don’t evangelize most of the riders, but sometimes I do evangelize them. Sometimes I listen to Christian music when I am driving and sometimes I evangelize people when I am not at work and I am at gas stations or wherever. I think the devil has targeted me to some degree and I’ve been through some tough things and business has been slow too often recently so I have not been getting so many rides and its effecting my finances. Yet, with prayer business has picked up and God is helping. But without God’s assistance I can’t do it so I need prayer. The struggle goes on. I’ve done thousands of rides and my rating as a driver is good, but business has been slow. Please pray for me. 1. That when I work as a driver I get many rides, long rides, and big tips. 2. That I get “preferred” rides (these cost more because the car I drive is better than average even though its not technically a luxury car and I have a higher rating as a driver). 3. That some of the riders believe God’s words as I listen to Christian music and God helps me evangelize when I am not at work. 4. That God gives me strength to stand firm (even though my life is tough) and have joy. That I have hope, good health, have energy (am not tired) and love God and recognize God’s love for me. That the devil’s scheme against me won’t prosper. 5. Please pray for Lucas. I shared the gospel with him at a shopping center and he responded very positively. Pray he can make friends at a good quality Church near him and attend a small group regularly and receive salvation. He’s an Asian American guy-maybe in his early twenties. He responded very positively. Glory to God. 6. Please pray for the following people that I evangelized (and I think they responded positively-glory to God). Lucas (Asian American), Woody (Filipino attends a heresy Church I think), Dominic (was reading a book), Chen (from China and gay), JC (African American thanked me), Yazman (Latin guy I think), George, Masato, Chris (needs to break drug addiction and stop new age stuff but he has a Bible and he reads it) Rohit (Indian friendly guy), guy from Haiti (didn’t get his name), Marcell, RJ, Barbara, Bill. Some I evangelized were white some were African American or others…I just mentioned it here because some newcomers to Churches respond better in an ethnically mixed Church and some respond better in a Church where most are the same ethnicity as them. The important thing is that they believe in Jesus are love everyone. Testimony: *I sent this prayer request out to different Baptist Churches and said Lucas was open minded and over the next few weeks I was able to evangelize all these other open minded people so glory to God. I think I could have reached more if I wasn’t shy sometimes. I usually evangelize when I am not at work. Hope it’s ok I asked for prayer even though I am not a member of your Church. God bless…I also got more rides and money after asking for prayer, but not every day I worked-it’s still a struggle. I’ve also been through some horrible stuff, but we have to keep hoping in God. Again, God bless you.


an ba
please pray for animal charity society L. to get many more calls and messages with home offers for 2 dogs 9 y. thanks


Peter Valentine
A dear son, Joshua, of a dear Christian friend in the Dallas area who has worked selflessly in hospices for decades has had a liver transplant that is acting up, giving him enormous pain that the doctors cannot figure out. Please pray for a real miracle, a complete and perfect healing that will cause all around him to marvel at what the Lord Jesus Christ can do. Thank you in advance, those who know you are true prayer warriors.

My Prayer

Let me speak the truth about this so called Kind, Caring, Compassionate, Loving, Merciful, Giving God. He isn't what he claims. Romans 2:11 Shows no favorites? I can say this, after waiting 23 + years, and receiving the exact same things I had before accepting Jesus Christ as so called Lord and Savior. In other words nothing has changed, same demons, same evil, same unwilling God to do as little as possible and expect so much in return for the little he does. In Mark 10:23-31, Luke 18:23-31 I shall give back all that was taken for the purpose of spreading of the gospel or my purpose, it just doesn't happen does it God? Be honest with yourself, and with everyone else, your a person who struggles to answer prayers, your a person with limited powers, a God who has to be asked thousands of times and still are totally incapable of doing much besides trying to slop half ass solutions on problems your adversary seems so capable of creating. For 23 years I have watched, waited, and prayed about how unwilling, or incapable you really are to do much of anything, as I watch heathens, people who worship false Gods, receive blessing on top of blessing and were not talking about a free watermelon either are we? In James 2:23 Because Abraham believed he was called a friend of God. We are mislead to believe if God is for you who can be against us, how about the power of darkness, which seems to return at will, and you are unable to stop or block their little satanic efforts. In the book of Job Satan mentions a hedge of protection that was around Job, just isn't true is it God, no such thing. In scripture it says your going to make Satan give back anything and everything he stole or destroyed, I do not consider myself or my 87 year old mother Satan, do you God. The only so called blessings are when my mother takes money from her wallet and gives it to me in return? THE GREAT MIGHTY GOD WHO CAN DO ALL? Don't look like much of a God to me. In 2 Thessalonians 3:3 I shall protect you from the evil one, after watching powers of darkness, demons, and evil spirits for the past 23 years easily keep right on destroying and taking, and getting by with pure evil, while I sure don't see anyone else enduring, or experiencing this kind of wickedness in and around their lives, and this comes after thousands upon thousands of people of faith asking and humbling themselves before you concerning the evil and demonic activity that just seems to return at will and you God just struggle to do much of anything. Fair and just, treats everyone equally and fair? I know my brothers life, similar to my own, and yet, while doing your work daily for the past 23 years God, you manage to keep pouring out the blessings upon him with no testing, no sacrifice, no loss, no burdens, no destruction and most of all NO DEMONS or evil spirits lurking about cursing and destroy his life. In scripture it says God shows no partiality, non bias, treats everyone fair, and just? Yet, I say this, YOUR A BLASPHEMOUS LIAR GOD. We're also told gee good all the time God will NEVER EVER put more on us than we can handle? Thats why, I blacked out, puked my guts up for 3 solid hours, and looked like death for 3 days afterwards? Never will put more on us than we can handle? BULL SHIT... PURE BULL SHIT. In Exodus 14:14, Be still and I shall battle for you? Oh, I guess be still and I shall battle for you must mean be still for a whole day while Satan attacks you and I as God never shows up? LIE, TOTAL LIE and not by Satan, but by you God. In Matthew 16:19, 18:18 Whatever you bind on earth shall be bound in heaven? Every form of darkness has been bound time and time again, and guess what MR FAITHFUL GOD, still exist doesn't it. You mislead, your own people. In scripture Matthew 21:22, Mark 11:24, Matthew 7:7-9, ask anything in my name and it shall be given, pray with faith the size of a mustard seed and it shall be done, tell that mountain to move and it shall? LIAR, nothing but pure wickedness and lies by the mighty God, who says he can NEVER EVER LIE Hebrews 6:18, but you sure do don't you God? Know what I know, I know for a fact presenting the truth to you God will change nothing how do I know this, I've seen your bull shit non capable ass in action too many years, to know the truth about YOU GOD. Just doesn't have the power, doesn't have the means, doesn't have the capabilities to do much besides POINT his finger at Demons and Satan which have been prayed against thousands of times, by people of faith. We do not have a covenant God, you've broke it many, many, many, many times before, and continue to break it. I serve a very unfaithful, untrustworthy, incapable and totally unwilling God. What he does for others, he really can't do. How is it God, the enemy is so involve, and active in my life, when so many people of faith have prayed about demonic possessing, like waking me up and keeping me up half the night, and your unable to do anything about it? How is it God, you want faith but yet I had a retirement plan in place which was destroyed and today, after working an additional 11 + years your not even close to getting anything in line for me to retire, but I sure see a lot of people who are retiring with good benefits, good retirement funds, good pension, similar to the one I had in place UNTIL you decided to destroy my life totally and completely, and you fault Satan don't you God, well, I tell you the truth, after watching you morons stumble and struggle for the past 18 years, I FAULT YOU GOD, because you say or want us to think YOUR IN CONTROL, but the truth is, YOU CAN'T EVEN CONTROL a few demons. Oh Satan is defeated, no he is quite alive and well and continues to take, and destroy one person's life which, has been forced to live against his will for the past 23 years. I FAULT YOU GOD, and I FAULT myself for believing the bible, about things you promise which does not happen does it? High paying God it took you 17 years to get me to a point of even close to what I was making, what a joke you have become God, cheap works, broken promises, and a stale stagnant life because OF YOU JESUS CHRIST. You love demons and evil this much Christ, why don't you come back and let them get by with the evil you seem so willing to allow them to get by doing against me for 23 years. Your someone who just ARE NOT ENOUGH. In scripture it says THROUGH CHRIST JESUS WHO STRENGTHENS ME, since when does a person have to endure Satan on their own and say THROUGH CHRIST JESUS, your not in or involved in anything in my life Jesus Christ, but your so called enemy sure is active and well in my life? You do not take burdens, Matthew 11:28 the same burdens I had before prayer are the same burdens I still have, why BECAUSE YOU CAN NOT GET IT DONE JESUS CHRIST. Prayers concerning my property has magically resulted in one thing, my property being taken, being destroyed, because your not the God you say you are. This too shall come to pass? LIE, LIE, LIE and more lies from the God who says HE CAN NEVER LIE. I can prove it, I have proof, and I know full well what I am owed, that doesn't mean spending years waiting on GOD, when he manages to do nothing but evil. FACTS JESUS, every since you showed up, nothing but pure evil, be truthful with yourself Jesus? WHAT HAVE YOU REALLY DONE FOR ME IN THE PAST 23 YEARS? Oh, I know try to fix what Satan destroyed, cursed, and the word is TRY TO.... Facts: Prayers about obesity, IMPOSSIBLE, if you want to lose weight, don't trust God, go on a diet, and exercise. Facts: If you want to look younger, go to a plastic surgeon don't trust God. Facts: If you want your back pain healed, go have surgery. Facts: If you want to fix your deafness go purchase a hearing aid. Facts: If you want your eye sight healed go purchase new glasses. Facts: If you want to find a spouse go to an on line dating service. Facts: If you want a tan, go sit in the sun Facts: If you want a new car go get a loan for one Facts: If you want a new job go put in an application Facts: If you want to have your own home go in debt and buy one. Facts: If you want good health, stop eating junk food. Facts: If you want to have friends go to the bar on Friday night and make some. Facts: You want deliverance seek a man to do it because trusting in this so called GOD only proves ignorant. Facts: If you want anything do it yourself because this false God really has no abilities or powers to answer prayers. I know what I know, and I know this, YOUR NOT THE PERSON THE BIBLE TEACHES US GOD, and this valuable lesson comes from 23 years watching you not do anything asked in your name Jesus Christ. If you think waiting on God will change anything, YOUR NOTHING BUT A FOOL LIKE I HAVE BEEN, FACTS NOT FICTION. I present to you Jesus Christ the REAL TRUTH, a God who does not honor his own teachings, his own promises, his WORD returns in void. I do not like having someone stand over me, contradicting everything I say, I do not like having a God who does not abide by anything the bible promises, the truth, YOUR NOT ENOUGH JESUS CHRIST, THE FACTS, A MAN IS EXPECTED TO ENDURE TESTING FAR MUCH MORE THAN A GOD WHO ENDURED ONLY 40 DAYS OF TESTING, A GOD WHO HAD 12 DISCIPLES AND 10,000 ANGELS WATCHING OVER HIM YET, MANAGES TO DO NOTHING ASKED IN HIS NAME, OH BIG SPIRITUAL BATTLE SURE IS AMAZING ISN'T IT REQUIRED CHRIST, NOTHING IN SCRIPTURE SAYS ANYTHING ABOUT A MAN BEING EXPECTED TO DEFEAT DEMONS AND SATAN ON THEIR OWN DOES IT CHRIST JESUS? THE WHOLE TRUTH: 23 YEARS LATER AND YOU PROVED TO BE A FALSE GOD JESUS CHRIST....I BACK UP MY CLAIMS, I FULLY BACK UP MY WORDS UNLIKE YOU JESUS CHRIST, I STRONGLY SUPPORT MY WORDS AND I CAN PROVE AND JUSTIFY WHAT I WRITE IS TRUE. THE LAME, LACKING, UNTOLERABLE, MISERABLE, HATE FILLED, RESENTMENT, TORMENTING, TORTURING NONSENSE AND DEMONIC ACTIVITY WHEN NO ONE ELSE I KNOW IS EXPECTED TO GIVE UP SO MUCH AND SERVE A GOD WHO DOES NOT DO JACK SHIT. Joel 2:32 ASK FOR DELIVERANCE AND YOU SHALL BE? ISAIAH 54:17 NO WEAPON FORMED AGAINST YOU SHALL PROSPER, I SHALL PROTECT YOU FROM THE EVIL ONE 2 Thessalonians 3:3 WEAK INFERIOR CHRIST, WHO IS NEVER AROUND are you JESUS? DEMON LOVER KING WHO THINKS ONE MAN NEEDS TO ENDURE SATAN AND LIVING AGAINST HIS WILL DAILY FOR 23 YEARS WHILE YOU CHRIST MANAGE TO DO NOTHING. 1 Corinthians 6:3 AND YOU BETTER BELIEVE WHEN THIS IS ALL SAID AND DONE, YOUR GOING TO BE MISSING SOME ANGELS IN HEAVEN, THESE SLOTHFUL, LAZY DO NOTHING, EVIL SEEKING ANGELS WILL BE REMOVED, I DON'T KNOW WHO THEY ARE, BUT I KNOW WHAT THE BIBLE SAYS ABOUT WHAT THE RESPONSIBILITIES ARE OF A ANGEL, I DEMAND THEIR NAMES BE REMOVED FROM THE LAMBS BOOK OF LIFE AND LET THEM SERVE THEIR FATHER SATAN IN HELL, IN JESUS NAME I PRAY AMEN STAND AROUND WITH THEIR THUMBS STUCK UP THEIR DEMON LOVING ASSES, REAL IMPRESSIVE JESUS, GREAT PROVIDER OF ANGELS, AND PROTECTION, SAME OLD SAME OLD SAME OLD, and I KNOW FOR A FACT THAT IF PEOPLE WHO WERE SAVED ON EARTH ARE NOW ANGELS, NOT ONE OF THESE EVER ENDURE WHAT THEY SEEM TO THINK I SHOULD ENDURE, LET THE FAIR AND JUSTICE OF GOD, HANDLE THESE EVIL SEEKING SLOTHFUL CREATURES WHO FAIL TO DO THEIR JOBS AS SPECIFIED, IN JESUS NAME I PRAY AMEN, I DEMAND JUSTICE BE BROUGHT AGAINST YOUR ANGELS JESUS CHRIST. BY THE WAY JESUS, NOT THE FIRST TIME THIS ANGEL PROBLEM HAS BEEN PRAYED ABOUT IS IT, AND YET, YOU DO NOTHING ABOUT THEM, AND I DEMAND MY LIFE BE FREED FROM THESE SO CALLED ANGELS OF WICKEDNESS AND EVIL, AND I WANT THE SAME CURSE YOU SEEM TO BE DOING AGAINST ME ANGELS, BE BROUGHT AGAINST YOU, IN JESUS NAME I PRAY AMEN, YOUR NOT A ROBOT AND YOU SURE NOT AN ANGEL, AND IF YOU ARE, YOUR NOT GOING TO BE AN ANGEL VERY LONG IF I HAVE ANYTHING TO DO ABOUT IT AND I DO DON'T I WORTHLESS ASS ANGELS, I HOPE YOU ENJOY EXPERIENCING HELL AS MUCH AS YOU SLOTHFUL CREATURES HAVE ENJOYED WATCHING ME BEING TORMENTED AND HARASSED, MAY THE CURSE YOUR HONORING BE PLACED UPON YOUR SPIRITS IN HEAVEN IN JESUS NAME I PRAY AMEN I DESPISE COCKY, KNOW IT ALL, UNSAVED PEOPLE, AND I DESPISE EVIL, AND ANGELS WHO SEEM TO SUBMIT TO EVIL, MAY YOUR SOULS BURN IN ETERNAL DAMNATION, IN JESUS NAME AMEN


Robert Heath
Me to be Healed and get back into the word


Please pray for me to be healed of anxiety and bouts with depression. Thank you so much. I really appreciate it!

supernaturally divine healing

alvin bradley alston
For the gracious, merciful, kind, meticulously thoughtful, understanding, forgiving and loving God Almighty who is the highest form of love that exists. We know this because he sent his precious only begotten son Jesus Christ to the earth to be in harm's way and to experience an undeserved death in order to take away our sins. Today, I pray that the evidence that my life-long good lady friend is supernaturally healed throughout her whole body including both her kidneys to be given to her. Her kidneys were damaged because of psychiatric drugs that were prescribed to her that she took daily for years. A doctor told her this. Not only do I pray that she receive the evidence of her divine healing of her kidneys but she receive the joy of the Holy Ghost within her soul in the name of our precious Lord who also has the power to forgive sins and has power over all flesh and blood. Amen. "Be ye Holy, for I am Holy, for without Holiness no man shall see God" --Leviticus-&-I Peter-- "...with God all things are possible" Said Jesus Christ --Matthew--

for Musa

Terri Beaudry
For young Musa, age 24, who loves the Lord so much and who takes care of orphans in Pakistan, for all sadness, heaviness and anxiety to leave him, and for the peace and joy of the Holy Spirit to fill him, as he loves to bring families who live near him to faith in Jesus. For him to be mightily encouraged and strengthened in his inner being, and for a special blessing of love on his marriage with Kiran, who is 19 and expecting a baby very soon.
Thank you for lifting up this request in prayer.