What matters is not how gifted we are but how loving we are. Activity does not determine effectiveness in the church. Without love all of our good endeavors are meaningless.…
First Corinthians 13 has rightly been called the love chapter. Under the inspiration of the Spirit, Paul penned a beautiful hymn and portrait of Christian love. It’s a picture of…
Only Christ can take bondservants and turn them into brothers. He makes saints out of sinners. You’re not alone because our heavenly Father, our brother Jesus Christ, and now, you’re…
‘He is not ashamed to call them brothers and sisters.’ Read that again. In saving us he also brought us into his family and made us his brothers and sisters.…
Treatment for Coronavirus is exciting. But even better would be if we had a way to never have to worry about Coronavirus again. Good news for a COVID sick world—and…
Revelation 21 is the climax of the letter and the Bible as a whole. It begins with creation and ends with new creation here. Once again the will and purpose…
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