Wonderful Savior

I wanted to provide you with some helps as you read through Luke 2 this week. I pray these questions help you to dive in deeper and develop spiritually. Here’s a tip. Use these questions to break the passage into different days and let it richly dwell with you.

Yesterday I challenged everyone to make these three spiritual commitments this year :

  1. Regularly gather for worship as a family with our spiritual family
  2. Read through the Jesus Project Reading guide
  3. Bring at least one new person each month to our house

These three challenges are not ends in themselves. They are means. When these three become habits of grace, we will mature and our house — Flower Mound First Baptist — will push back lostness around us in Timber Creek and together magnify the Lord Jesus Christ.

Luke 2v1-7
God planned and provided every detail for the Messiah. Spend some time thanking God that He is in control of each detail of history, including your life.

Luke 2v8-20
What is the right response to revelation? (v20)

Luke 2v21-38
Note that the word law is used five times in Luke 2:21-40.  Read Matthew 5:17-18 and Galatians 4:4.  What was Jesus’ relationship with the law?

Luke 2v39-52
What was Jesus’ response to His parents?  Would you be able to give the same response (“you ‘must’ or ‘had’ to be in God’s house)?