Great Preaching

The greatest sermon ever preached is found in Matthew 5-7 and here in Luke 6. It’s also called the Sermon on the Plain (v17). The psalmist regularly asked the Lord to instruct him. Here we find Jesus gathering disciples and instructing them. A disciple is a student of Jesus. We learn and apply his teaching.

Use these questions to read, reflect, and live out Luke 6 this week:

Luke 6v1-16
Do you see that a relationship with Jesus is more important than religious actions?

Luke 6v17-26
Do you regularly come to Jesus for instruction?

Luke 6v27-36
Why is it so hard to give (time, talent, treasure) & not expect something in return?

Luke 6v37-45
Where is God at work? How is your heart?

Luke 6v46-49
In what areas of your life would say your actions don’t measure up to your words?