Such Faith

Behind every great moment, there are a series of small steps. You’ll see people taking small steps in Luke 7. The centurion — the outsider — humbly requests help. The funeral crowd stopped in their tracks by life. John the Baptist wrestles with his own limitations and doubts. Then, beautifully, a sinner is given a chance to start fresh. Don’t miss another individual in Luke 7. The Pharisee was given a clear revelation of the mission & identity of Jesus. His pride and his sin kept him from experiencing it. We can be so close to the things of God and ignore it.

Use these questions to read, reflect, and live out Luke 7 this week (Small groups study Luke 6):

Luke 7v1-10
Along with humility, what else did the Centurion request in verses 6-8 demonstrate?

Luke 7v11-17
How did Jesus show His compassion here? What was their response?

Luke 7v18-35
When you doubt who Jesus is, what can you look at in order to reaffirm the character, care, and work of Jesus?

Luke 7v36-40
What drew this ‘known’ sinner to public scrutiny in this house?

Luke 7v41-50
What is the response to the forgiveness of Christ?