Gospel Party

Luke 14 begins at a party where Jesus has been invited. The Good Teacher uses this environment to teach his listeners kingdom truths. Worldly celebrations are poor substitutes for what God has planned. Yet, Jesus uses these to point to himself. The greatest joy a person can experience is union with Christ. Christians should not be ‘churchy’ curmudgeons. Sin is the real kill-joy. There was something attractive about Jesus.Though his opponents wanted to kill him, they kept inviting him to be around them.

We’re praying for our upcoming deacon nominations which will begin on April 8. Each day the requests are shared on our Facebook page or you can download the entire week here.

Use these questions to read, reflect, and live out Luke 14 this week:

Luke 14.1-6
What does this story reveal to us about the heart of God?

Luke 14.7-11
What struggles do we face when it comes to the expression of humility?

Luke 14.12-24
What keeps me from regularly inviting people to God’s celebration?

Luke 14.25-35
How are you persevering in faith and discipleship?

The Small Groups will study Luke 13 beginning April 8.