Bob Rose became a covenant member in May. This Sunday he’ll be sharing his story and how Jesus changed his life as part of our message in Acts 3. Pray for Bob as he shares and for others to respond to Jesus’ invitation.
    One of our group leaders sent this to the group and I wanted to share the words. Church is not a spectator activity where we all come and receive and leave.  It is rather an participating activity where we all work together to enhance the experience for the whole body.  In scripture terms, I Peter 4:10 tells us, “Each of you should use whatever gift you have received to serve others, as faithful stewards of God’s grace in its various forms.”  Don’t wait to be asked to serve somewhere.  If God has given you a gift, an ability, that you think might help the church family in some way, ask the pastor where you might serve.
    We all want things: certain relationships, just the right job, affirmation from others, a life full of passion and purpose. Contemporary culture says to go after desire, pursue your “I want” list ruthlessly. Christianity seems to send a different message: Wanting is sinful and selfish. Faith is about obedience and sacrifice.
    Comfortable Christianity often means a weak Christianity. In this study on John’s three letters, Dr. Tony Evans challenges Christians who have grown comfortable and complacent in their faith. Fellowship with God is the essence of our faith, and Tony walks through 1, 2 & 3 John to paint a picture of love, obedience, and truth. In a world that hates Jesus, we are called to love Him and His people with a fierce love.
    Here are our numbers — attendance and giving — for the month of June : First Sunday, Second Sunday, Third Sunday, and Fourth Sunday.