Look to Sunday | April 2, 2023

Songs   Rejoice the Lord Is King Hosanna (Praise Is Rising) Lead Me to the Cross Jesus Is Lord of All Scripture CALL TO WORSHIP 13 So they took branches of palm trees and went out to meet him, crying out, “Hosanna! Blessed is he who comes in the name of the Lord, even...


I want to spend this time focusing on a group of people that we often overlook, a group of people we don’t take seriously. That group of people is our teens. We overlook them and what they are going through in life. We don’t take what they are dealing with seriously. ...


Many people fear the future, they look at the news and see the way the world is going and they dread tomorrow. The “what if’s” and the terror of things that may or may not be, keep them paralyzed and they approach each day trembling at the prospect of...