Cross Church : Cross Changes Everything
January 12, 2020

Cross Church : Cross Changes Everything

Passage: 1 Corinthians 1.18-2.5

The key thought in these verses which we want to apply is this. His cross changes everything, including and especially the church. Verse 17 warned us of emptying the cross of its power. Now, in verses 1.18-2.5, Paul explains why. Paul made himself clear. Man should not be praised for salvation. Clever speech was unnecessary and unhelpful. Mankind from the brightest intellect to the beggar on the street searches for meaning. Introduced with the message of cross, he may reject it because it seems foolish and does not fit his expectations. Still a number of others receive it with joy and give thanks to the Lord for what he has done. Once we see how weak and foolish we really are, then we lift our eyes heavenward to declare, ‘His cross changed me.’

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